Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

Aug 13, 2020 at 6:22 AM Post #63,121 of 181,910
Does anyone know what the Modi3+ mentioned in the Magnius FAQs could be?

Yes, I noticed that ... but didn't dare ask !
Aug 13, 2020 at 8:31 AM Post #63,122 of 181,910
2020, Chapter 11:...{{snip}}...

Aside: yes, Asgard 3 is still holding its price. For now. We’ll continue to keep it there if we can.
Aside to the aside: and again, no, Jotunheim is not going away. It’s a truly unique product, the only fully discrete balanced differential amp that’s also affordable and modular…and I think there is space for both it and Magnius in the line....{{snip}}...
I like the idea of a new product having an smooth-actioned, precision volume knob & potentiometer. It's the main reason I modified my stock controls on my Vali 2 and Magni 3. I don't understand the appeal of balanced outputs for headphones. I know saying this publicly here might get me some negative (snide-comments) feedback (so please, follow an old Estonian adage... before you reply... take a drink of water... to stop and think). :triportsad:

Thread: may I have users point me to a comparison chart or external information source for these 2 outputs formats (that's not wikipedia). Specifically, for headphones (not 2-channel [preamp + power amp]). Has a group like the AES or ISO compared these 2 outputs (single ended [SE] versus balanced [XLR])?

Why should I switch my listening rigs from SE (Asgard 2, Magni 3, Vali 2, Fulla 2, Valhalla 2) to (true) XLR (Jotunheim, Mjolnir, Ragnarok, Magnius)?
Aug 13, 2020 at 8:58 AM Post #63,123 of 181,910
I like the idea of a new product having an smooth-actioned, precision volume knob & potentiometer. It's the main reason I modified my stock controls on my Vali 2 and Magni 3. I don't understand the appeal of balanced outputs for headphones. I know saying this publicly here might get me some negative (snide-comments) feedback (so please, follow an old Estonian adage... before you reply... take a drink of water... to stop and think). :triportsad:

Thread: may I have users point me to a comparison chart or external information source for these 2 outputs formats (that's not wikipedia). Specifically, for headphones (not 2-channel [preamp + power amp]). Has a group like the AES or ISO compared these 2 outputs (single ended [SE] versus balanced [XLR])?

Why should I switch my listening rigs from SE (Asgard 2, Magni 3, Vali 2, Fulla 2, Valhalla 2) to (true) XLR (Jotunheim, Mjolnir, Ragnarok, Magnius)?
There is very little (if any) real world advantage unless your equipment is designed around balanced. A single ended output will sound the same as a balanced output, as long as everything else is the same from what I understand. I just like the bigger plug.

on amps like the thx789 the balanced output sounds much better than the SE because it was designed to be used as a balanced amp. The liquid platinum has the same behavior from what I remember. So it’s more a matter of how your equipment is designed than the interface itself.
Aug 13, 2020 at 9:01 AM Post #63,124 of 181,910
Yes, of course, Freya S. Epic fail...
I edited my post, so as to not create confusion. Many thanks for pointing out my blunder.
And again, very glad I was able to grab a Freya S before they became unavailable.
I am also glad I got a Freya S before they become 'extinct'.
I had to import mine from US to be certain of getting one.
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Aug 13, 2020 at 9:09 AM Post #63,125 of 181,910
I seem to recall that line being regularly spoken by John Astin (Gomez in the original Addams Family show in the '60s) on the quirky '90s TV series The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. which starred cult favorite Bruce Campbell. Of course he might have been quoting someone else. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason was a fan of that show.
I remember it from John Astin as well, but in the series Night Court, in which he played Judge Harry Stone's father, Buddy (a psychiatric patient). Five points for Gryffindor.

It's super-hard to get started when people call $2500 "entry level."

Should we also spend tonnage on the unboxing experience, like the simplicity mongers do?
As usual, @Jason Stoddard packs quite a bit into his post, so I'll focus on the two bits I clipped above. Amen to the crazy prices in niche hobbies everywhere. My personal threshold is higher than $99, but I am glad the Bifrost is available so I could wade back into the old-fashioned multi-bit pool again. Someday, I swear, I will post some thoughts. I was floored how much difference the Bifrost MB made in my simple system compared to using the analog output of my DAP directly into my head phone amp.

That said, some of the stratospherically-priced gear can be good value. Longer ago than I'm willing to admit I bought those Threshold amps. They've been rock solid for as long as I've had them and sound so good I've not contemplated getting back on the upgrade merry-go-round. Ever.

In general, I agree functional packaging is best. I recall thinking how clever Apple used to be when they had their slick box with "Lucky You" printed on it protecting the I-Pod Nano my wife bought me years ago. But, as others have posted, the box was pitched, so what good did it do me, really. I don't even want to think about how much the packaging of a couple of IEMs I've purchased added to their retail cost. Helps make a display look appealing I'm sure, but who in the US buys IEMs from a brick-and-mortar store? The people I read posting about visiting their local audio boutique are in Singapore or Japan (makes me want to have summer homes there).

I remember, when I got my Bifrost and Loki thinking how well thought out the entire Schiit product line is. So many interlocking details considered. Small, medium and large chassis so only three packages needed. Enough room in the hardware box for ancillaries (like Pyst, etc.). Sure, those of us who notice that kind of thing are likely 1 in 10,000 with the other 9,999 wishing for a prettier box. But I'd rather have better resistors or caps I'll use for several years than a box which adds $10 to the retail price which I'll toss in a week.

Please don't. I hate throwing out packaging that looks nicer than the product. Put the value in making the products rock solid. In my opinion, Schiit means no fuss, sounds great, simple, reliable.

I like the idea of a new product having an smooth-actioned, precision volume knob & potentiometer. It's the main reason I modified my stock controls on my Vali 2 and Magni 3. I don't understand the appeal of balanced outputs for headphones. I know saying this publicly here might get me some negative (snide-comments) feedback (so please, follow an old Estonian adage... before you reply... take a drink of water... to stop and think). :triportsad:
No snide comments. I've had one pair of headphones, the ZMF Atticus, which benefited obviously from a balanced connection. I've tried it with my other head phones with dubious results. I keep a balanced cable on my HiFiMAN HE-500 so I can use them with my Mjolnir, I don't remember the last time I listened to the SE.
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Aug 13, 2020 at 9:12 AM Post #63,126 of 181,910
Having owned one since it went on sale, it totally makes sense to me. The passive/active/tube option provides flexibility that no other preamp does, regardless of price. And the SQ of the tube stage beats any preamp I've heard. I have it sitting between a tricked-out VPI front end and a pair of Wilsons and in no way do I see the Freya as the weak link. Other than some tube rolling and room treatments, I'm done! ...OK, except for a Loki maxi :wink:

It's just such a ridiculous value. If anyone's on the fence, I'd say hop off and (im)patiently wait for yours to be built!

I was tempted with a Freya +... but went for the Freya S before they become unavailable.
I am very happy with it.
I tried an original Freya and didn't like the tube output stage, so the S is perfect for me.... and it was around £300 cheaper than the +.
I can put the saving towards a new CD transport :beyersmile:
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Aug 13, 2020 at 11:10 AM Post #63,128 of 181,910
... or perhaps just Lokius ?
Aug 13, 2020 at 11:38 AM Post #63,130 of 181,910
I saw a review of the Powerwall somewhere on youtoob and the reviewer stated that his main concern about his purchase was that if the internet went out then Powerwall basically stopped working. He was hoping for something of a "zombie-mode" to keep it operational. I don't know if this was/is true, just something I read.
I've spend some time on the Enphase website and their products look pretty solid.
We just had a solar install and that was one of my key concerns. It seems, via my UK colleague, that it used to be the case, but the V2 versoin WILL work without power and internet (it seems it was. a Tesla decision that if it couldn't "call home", it shut off the power!). In the end we just went with panels as power wall(s) more than doubled the cost.
Aug 13, 2020 at 12:02 PM Post #63,134 of 181,910
My Magnius is out for Delivery today! Thanks to Schiit for the fast shipping (although I only live an hour away). New XLR cables coming tomorrow for set up with the Yggy. I’ve never owned a XLR head cable so I had to order one of those for my HD650. I don’t do a ton of of listening through headphones but I am curious to compare it to my Asgard 2 (which will now have to find a new home!).

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