Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

Aug 11, 2020 at 1:30 PM Post #62,957 of 181,860
Actually, no silver version of Magnius was a conscious decision. There's no silver version of Magni Heresy, no silver version of Hel, no silver version of Fulla 3. That's an intentional decision to keep product line complexity down and prices low. Sorry if that doesn't work for you.

I disagree with this decision. I guess I naively thought I could expect a silver matching amp when I bought a silver Modius about two months ago because silver has always been the original house flavor. This is very disappointing. I've been an early Schiit adopter for years...Asgard 1, Asgard 2, Valhalla, Bifrost, Gumby, and now avoid the rush and inevitable backorders, such as Modius just went through. I was fully planning on getting the silver matching amp, also as an early adopter. Now, I'm probably not going to be an early adopter of anything Schiit anymore. Lesson learned.
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Aug 11, 2020 at 1:34 PM Post #62,958 of 181,860
Aug 11, 2020 at 1:36 PM Post #62,959 of 181,860
What I find interesting is the power on the SE side is better than the Jotunheim 1.3 watts versus 800 mv and in balanced 3.2 versus 3 hmmm wonder if a new Jotunheim is on the horizon ?
Aug 11, 2020 at 1:50 PM Post #62,960 of 181,860
It's very tempting to get a modius/magnius stack for an affordable headphone system for the work-at-home setup. Plus it would be the first dip of my toes into the dark pool that is balanced audio.

Now to retrieve my nice balanced headphones from the pre-covid worksite. And convince the wife that I'm not wasting too much money ;-)

Still no Pyst XLR cables on

Searching this forum, it looks like this is nothing new:
@Jason Stoddard when are the PYST XLR will be available? I'm waiting on that to make my purchase of the modius.
If you don’t want to wait, I’ve been using Mogami 2549 w/ Neutrik XLRs for quite a while. They are considered mic cables. They are available in various lengths from Worlds Best Cables on Amazon and are in the PYST price range. I am currently using a 20‘ pair between my BF2 and Jot.

And we need C8 pics ;-)
Aug 11, 2020 at 1:51 PM Post #62,961 of 181,860
Panasonic, who use *gasp* *heresy* Class D power, run cool, and draw little.
I could be wrong, it's been a while since I looked, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of pro audio, and I mean pretty expensive pro audio, equipment that uses class D amps. I remember at one point that I lusted after a pair of Guzauski Swist monitors because they were used to make Random Access Memories, and those had class D amps in them. And another set that I would love to own would be the Kii Audio Three, and again, I'm pretty sure those are class D amped. And I just took a look at still expensive, but relatively attainable HEDD type 20s and Genelec Point Ones, and both have multiple class D amps in them. And any of those speakers are absolutely world class reference sets (short of shelling out for an ATC room or something) that you can make platinum selling grammy winning hits on and no one will question it. And again, all of them use class D amps extensively, if not exclusively.

I think there is absolutely merit to the other classes of amplification, don't get me wrong, but I think it has more to do with sounding nicer (as in more pleasant) as opposed to sounding better (as in pulling out more detail in a mix session). I would rather have a screechy harpy of a setup (see the enduring popularity of Yamaha's NS-10) if that's what's telling me the truth about my music than have it be pleasant. So maybe that's why class D seems to proliferate so liberally in pro audio. But I've listened to this kind of stuff so much now that "pleasant" setups sound downright syrupy to my ears, so I'd go as far as to say that I may prefer class D in many circumstances. Whatever does the job, I guess.
Aug 11, 2020 at 1:52 PM Post #62,962 of 181,860
As someone who cried for black versions years ago (and who used black vinyl to cover the tops of both Gungnir MB and Yggdrasil to make them disappear in my HT and 2-channel racks) I applaud the new black Schiit. :)
A habit I copied from you Master.
The newest Yggdrasil A2..... in duct tape.

Aug 11, 2020 at 2:11 PM Post #62,965 of 181,860
Aug 11, 2020 at 2:12 PM Post #62,966 of 181,860
I disagree with this decision. I guess I naively thought I could expect a silver matching amp when I bought a silver Modius about two months ago because silver has always been the original house flavor. This is very disappointing. I've been an early Schiit adopter for years...Asgard 1, Asgard 2, Valhalla, Gumby, and now avoid the rush and inevitable backorders, such as Modius just went through. I was fully planning on getting the silver matching amp, also as an early adopter. Now, I'm probably not going to be an early adopter of anything Schiit anymore. Lesson learned.
I'm sure the decision to offer the Magnius only in black will piss off a lot of the silver Modius owners that have been waiting for it's companion amp to finally drop. :anguished::rage:

It looks like Jason has finally gone full Henry Ford on us!
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Aug 11, 2020 at 2:15 PM Post #62,968 of 181,860
Yeah, if your headphone can go balanced, Magnius is much powerful than Asgard3, but if you use only single ended, Asgard3 is twice as powerful as Magnius. (Magnius single ended is even weaker than Magni3+).
That all may be true, but the design topology probably has a greater effect on the sound of any amp than the power output specs.

I disagree with this decision. I guess I naively thought I could expect a silver matching amp when I bought a silver Modius about two months ago because silver has always been the original house flavor. This is very disappointing. I've been an early Schiit adopter for years...Asgard 1, Asgard 2, Valhalla, Gumby, and now avoid the rush and inevitable backorders, such as Modius just went through. I was fully planning on getting the silver matching amp, also as an early adopter. Now, I'm probably not going to be an early adopter of anything Schiit anymore. Lesson learned.
I'm not in your situation, but I'd imagine there are a LOT of longtime Schiit customers who are in your same boat. I have to say, it is pretty Schiitty of them to not even offer a new product in Silver, when silver has been their legacy color since the beginning. There have been a ton of Schiit products available only in silver; so I don't get the recent trend of offering some new products only in black.

That said, I was lucky and bought my Modius in black to match my existing headphone amp. But I'm strongly considering selling my Mimby and replacing it with a silver Modius. So if anyone has a silver Modius they want to sell (cause you have to buy a black one now to match your new Magnius), PM me!
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Aug 11, 2020 at 2:16 PM Post #62,969 of 181,860
Rant warning: if you don't want to read a rant, even a short one, skip to the next post.

"You’re operating 1000x lower than what is considered the threshold of perception." Please explain to me how anything be multiplied by one thousand and be smaller? It drives me to distraction how common this is becoming.

Sorry about that, but, "I'm feeling much better now." Bonus points if you know who said that...
"1000x lower" = "X * .001"
Aug 11, 2020 at 2:20 PM Post #62,970 of 181,860
Early negatives:

  1. No Silver
  2. Lower power on SE side (Gee only 2 watts at 32 ohms!! vs 5 watts!!)
  3. Small knob

  1. $199 great spec, powerful balanced amp with superlative ALPS balanced pot…
  2. Black
  3. Matching small knob
  4. Better switchgear
  5. Designed and built in USA

Any others?
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