Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

Aug 11, 2020 at 10:37 AM Post #62,914 of 181,924
Yes ScubaMan2017, the Tesla powerwalls are worth the hype. They work flawlessly with their solar systems.
If you want the Tesla system (which is very good) be sure your solar array uses one large inverter (DC from the roof.) If you, like me, use microinverters (AC from the roof) Tesla is not compatible. Look into the Enphase systems.
Aug 11, 2020 at 10:41 AM Post #62,916 of 181,924
The pre functionality is brilliant. Balanced amp and balanced pre-amp is what made a Topping A90 worth considering. A90 is $499.99. Magnius is $199. Checkmate?

Good job, Schiit.
Absolutely, this is a very smart release from Schiit. The measurements are comparable and the pot is FAR better than the A90. Seriously, the A90 pot is a piece of crap and it feels terrible to adjust. Only downside is the wall-wart but for the $300 price difference? Sure.. I can live with that.
Aug 11, 2020 at 10:46 AM Post #62,920 of 181,924
Will it work well with sensitive IEM's? Very tempted to get this as that relatively new but experienced recruit to the engineering team has some skills from what I hear. ;-)

There is also a market for a balanced iem amp like the topping A50 whioch has it's issues. I would personally love a little combo unit with DAC and a TRRS for iems.
Aug 11, 2020 at 11:15 AM Post #62,924 of 181,924
Awesome! I second the request for a silver version to match my Modius tho
Aug 11, 2020 at 11:16 AM Post #62,925 of 181,924
Now I'm really starting to wonder about getting the Asgard 3 (like I had planned) or the Magnius. Same price (at least for now). One is a Continuity amp but the other is balanced. Magnius is more powerful but I'd need to buy new cables for my headphones. Tough choice ahead.
Yeah, I know it was just released, but I too am wondering how the Magnius sounds side-by side with the Asgard 3, both fed by the Modius, and with the volume levels matched :)

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