Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

Jan 25, 2025 at 12:00 PM Post #179,971 of 181,860
For plastics care, I've long relied on...

Won't erase scratches, but great for clarity and shine.
Jan 25, 2025 at 12:27 PM Post #179,972 of 181,860
Those are similar to the ones I replaced. Mine were custom made by Tyler, of Tyler Acoustics. Nice walnut, 21" high. Way too top heavy for my peace of mind. Even weighed down with 50# of sandblaster beads.

The Linton stands are a little low (17") according to Dennis's recos. I do like the effect they have. The RAALs end up a little below my ears. I may experiment with some thick books/butcher block on top of the stands to see what difference that makes. Maybe @Bowmoreman can send me some of that cherry he has laying around :)
Ear height is of course critical. I was originally using the stands i had for my modded ProAc Tablettes that was 27" high (but stand very unsteady) and when I went to the 22" I was where the heck are the mids? Of course on tile/concrete/wood it would have been a different story.

Listening room musings follow: Never been a fan of live end (ceiling), dead end (floor). Much better with diffusion behind, bass trapping in corners, and checkerboard mix of absorption/diffusion/reflective around the room with no/little reflective at early reflection angles, and no padded furniture behind your head or heavy big padded under ones backside. I sit in this little minimal chair for serious listening, fade into the mega padded chair for casual. To test the heavy padded couch/chair - listen to something like Yes - Close to the Edge (Wilson remaster) and shift from back in the chair to head over bare floor - viola...same with heavy padding behind - treble/air takes a big dive. reflective/absorbing surfaces usually not a problem to get them in a typical room, but diffusion? That's the bear. Heavily padded chairs/couches in rear corners - very good, just not under/immediately around.. Diffusion is what gives a room (along with size) a sense of a big Hall. Too much gets into echo, not enough things start to smear, Totally dead room - is harmonically dead.
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Jan 25, 2025 at 12:36 PM Post #179,973 of 181,860
Are the V2’s two way or three way? I saw a review and I believe they have moved past the V1’s and V2’s at this time.
All of the BMR Monitors are 3 way. AFAIK there is no v3. The towers have changed fairly recently. The v1 Monitors had a lesser ribbon, and the cabinet was rectangular.

Add: There are two towers - the 1 woof, 2 mid, 1 tweet, and the HT one with 2 woofs, 2 mids, and an AMT (no idea what it sounds like) Love the regular towers - but I'd say 150 wpc+/8 ohms min in any good sized room (2400 sq ft or bigger).
The ones reviewed had a wider sweet spot, the tweeter dispersion always bothered me with ribbons I have heard.

I would have to have Rosewood but at least my son can pick up any when available. Worst case I could replace the towers in my surround system with either monitors or towers.

I can build speaker stands to match if using monitors.
Ribbon tweeter dispersion sucks vertically, quite wide horizontally. AVS Forum has lots of tests on the various versions of all Murphy's speakers. The true ribbon Maggies (3.7i/20/30) along with the Apogee's have very long tweeters to somewhat deal with this issue. There are some line source speakers with a vertical row of AMT or ribbon, or magneostats, some even w/ rounded baffles so that the arrival time of each is closer - top and bottom of a straight ribbon is going to be later by definition than the ear height one. I have read about these line sources but haven't heard them - except for the Infinity's of the 80's - and just briefly - they seemed great to me then.
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Jan 25, 2025 at 1:02 PM Post #179,974 of 181,860
All of the BMR Monitors are 3 way. AFAIK there is no v3. The towers have changed fairly recently. The v1 Monitors had a lesser ribbon, and the cabinet was rectangular.

Ribbon tweeter dispersion sucks vertically, quite wide horizontlly. AVS Forum has lots of tests on the various versions of all Murphy's speakers. The true ribbon Maggies (3.7i/20/30) along with the Apogee's have very long tweeters to somewhat deal with this issue. There are some line source speakers with a vertical row of AMT or ribbon, or magneostats, some even w/ rounded baffles so that the arrival time of each is closer - top and bottom of a straight ribbon is going to be later by definition than the ear height one. I have read about these line sources but haven't heard them - except for the Infinity's of the 80's - and just briefly - they seemed great to me then.
Have you actually been to Philharmonic Audio? I just emailed them for directions.

I just got answered my son lives very close by, the address is a house maybe a mile from my son’s place near Wolf Trap.🤪

I am familiar with ribbon tweeters and heard Apogees and Maggies. I think I heard the exact tweeters Dennis uses on Acends? Sierra maybe.
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:05 PM Post #179,975 of 181,860
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:07 PM Post #179,976 of 181,860
So last night when I was rolling around in bed trying to get to sleep, I started thinking about that whole magnet levitation of turntables idea that was posted a while back. Now, without pulling out some physics books and learning more about magnetics, my please-go-to-sleep thought was that if I have two magnets with opposite poles pointed at each other to achieve the "levitation" and desired separation/air gap of the the table/stand and the turntable, any vibrations should still get transferred over since the when the lower magnet gets (at least) up or down motion, the magnetic field is going to try to repel the magnet on top or allow it to drop, thus transferring the vibration, maybe with some dampening.

Anyway, this got me wondering (still no sleep) if an electromagnet coupled with an accelerometer would be fast and/or effective enough with a bit of electronics to change the magnetic field to reduce or increase the field as necessary to keep the system stable. When the accelerometer notices the bump, change the magnetic field strength to make sure the field repels harder or less depending on the direction and raise/lower the load above. Should also be able to better adjust the system for weights of different turntables (instead of trying to find/build a magnet with the exact required strength). This would also allow for auto-leveling when you use (at least) four different systems (on each corner as "feet").

Make the field wide enough and then you "only" need to solve the lateral movement issue (and possible shielding of magnetic interference caused to the TT/SQ). Maybe the car priced system just uses a mechanical system (pins with insulation to keep things in place sideways) and the house priced model can then use additional electromagnet systems for lateral balancing/stability.

Now that I think about it, I should probably file a patent for "Systems and methods for auto-leveling and vibration dampening via electromagnetic levitation" or some such. Anyway, this would probably work better for some industrial type use case and not be sensitive/quick enough for some/most vibrations for a turntable.

Who wants to build the first prototype? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: could just drill down to bedrock, pour some pylons and a concrete slab on top, and save a bunch of money. :thinking:
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:08 PM Post #179,977 of 181,860
You didn't say what your streamer is and if you are subscribing to Paramount+ through the Prime app, but if so, and if your streamer supports it (like a Roku) then cancel the Paramount+ through Prime and download the stand-alone Paramount+ app. To get Paramount programs commercial-free, you need the $12.99 (with Showtime) subscription.

I only know this because I went through the same gyrations.
PS5. I know there are ad blockers out there but probably not for the PlayStation.
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:10 PM Post #179,978 of 181,860
Have you actually been to Philharmonic Audio? I just emailed them for directions.

I just got answered my son lives very close by, the address is a house maybe a mile from my son’s place near Wolf Trap.🤪

I am familiar with ribbon tweeters and heard Apogees and Maggies. I think I heard the exact tweeters Dennis uses on Acends? Sierra maybe.
No, got jazzed by the reviews and then happened upon a kind soul that demo'd them for me. That was the v1 Monitor, v2 is better - esp the treble.

That's very nice, next time you visit your son, you are there!

Yeah those 10X tweets get around - Selah, Ascend, Salk and others
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:25 PM Post #179,979 of 181,860
Have you actually been to Philharmonic Audio? I just emailed them for directions.

I just got answered my son lives very close by, the address is a house maybe a mile from my son’s place near Wolf Trap.🤪 ...
That is probably Dennis' partner's house. IIRC, he has a listening room set up in what used to be a garage. He's also modded a pinball machine to replace its "sound system" with an overpowered class D amp and Philharmonic True Minis :-D.

Listening to the entire line at CAPFest 2023, it was clear that they all had the same neutral voicing, just more and more bass as one switched to the more powerful speakers. It was very interesting.
Ear height is of course critical. I was originally using the stands i had for my modded ProAc Tablettes that was 27" high (but stand very unsteady) and when I went to the 22" I was where the heck are the mids? Of course on tile/concrete/wood it would have been a different story.
I would be terrified to have my speakers at that height. Maybe I'm oversensitive to mids (my ears wouldn't pass a Klippel test). The Linton stands gave the BMRs a bit more warmth and naturalness IMO.

Do you know what Dennis suggests is supposed to be pointed at one's ears? The ribbon or the BMR? On the current stands, the ribbons are 2-3" below my ears. Maybe I like the enhanced top end that would yield?
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:26 PM Post #179,980 of 181,860

Are you referring to the BMR as the "mid-driver" and a "cone"? Technically, I don't believe it's either on its own. In my CA Minx, the BMR covers the range from 150-15Khz.

They have more in common with the Manger driver, if you're familiar with those. (those Manger Audio w1 look perfect for my sitch... :thinking:🤤 )

As an educated engineer, you might enjoy some of these technical documents.

Some technical measurements for a competing/similar driver from Erin's Audio:
Thanks for this and the links, very interesting; yes, I used the word “cone” rather cavalierly (rather more in the most general possible over-generalizations… but it is very much a point source from all the measurements, impressive off-axis performance in particular.) which was my main point about the midrange. It will interact with my room rather differently than my Apogees, but I bet the best location is likely very similar (perhaps a bit further spaced apart from one another)
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:30 PM Post #179,981 of 181,860
PS5. I know there are ad blockers out there but probably not for the PlayStation.
See if there's a Paramount streaming app for the PS5. That might do it.
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:32 PM Post #179,982 of 181,860
Those are similar to the ones I replaced. Mine were custom made by Tyler, of Tyler Acoustics. Nice walnut, 21" high. Way too top heavy for my peace of mind. Even weighed down with 50# of sandblaster beads.

The Linton stands are a little low (17") according to Dennis's recos. I do like the effect they have. The RAALs end up a little below my ears. I may experiment with some thick books/butcher block on top of the stands to see what difference that makes. Maybe @Bowmoreman can send me some of that cherry he has laying around :)
Where you at? How big (long/diameter) a pair of “logs” of Cherry do you need? There may be a couple that are around 24” long and at least 14” in diameter; haven’t measured, just eyeballing…
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:38 PM Post #179,983 of 181,860
Thanks for this and the links, very interesting; yes, I used the word “cone” rather cavalierly (rather more in the most general possible over-generalizations… but it is very much a point source from all the measurements, impressive off-axis performance in particular.) which was my main point about the midrange. It will interact with my room rather differently than my Apogees, but I bet the best location is likely very similar (perhaps a bit further spaced apart from one another)

I went from Janszens to these -- I had blown up the Janszens. Those were lovely with a phone-booth-sized sweet spot. Also, unaffordable at that time and my wife disliked them in the room 😝

As this must be a multi-purpose room (wide dispersion!) and I'm intoxicated by the sound of the BMRs, the Phils were a no-brainer.

Now, I'm jonesing for a Curvi-Form (to go with Schiit's Multi-Form?) :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Jan 25, 2025 at 1:39 PM Post #179,984 of 181,860
Where you at? How big (long/diameter) a pair of “logs” of Cherry do you need? There may be a couple that are around 24” long and at least 14” in diameter; haven’t measured, just eyeballing…
That would be MD. You can ride the Amtrak down and chuck it out the window. Or let it float down the Susquehanna to me :-D

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