Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

Jan 21, 2025 at 6:02 PM Post #179,551 of 182,488
I told my son when he was 14 to start putting a minimum of $100 a month into mutual funds and that number grew as he got older.

Unfortunately many Americans only have SS as a retirement fund.

I am going to comment on your posting and go off on a rant. Apologies in advance if the comment + rant was not appropriate.

You gave your son great advice. SS as the only source of income for retirement is a bad joke. I am glad you are able to enjoy your retirement and share your work, skills and photos with all of us. To those that cannot afford retirement, don't think that 9 to 5 job is all you need.

Recently, there was a posting on the internet about a young 20 something female who said she can't pay her bills on a 9 to 5 job. Whoever said that you would be able to?

If you work 5 days a week, you are throwing 28.57% of your wage earning time out the window. 14.285 x 7 days a week = 99.999% I am not saying to work 7 days a week, but don't expect a 9 to 5 job to pay your bills. I was never taught that.

As a business owner, I am always getting sales calls. I always tell the caller that all sales calls are taken Sunday evenings at 7PM Eastern Standard Time. There is usually a pause when I say that and I am ask to repeat what I just said. I always get the same response: "I do not work those hours." I always respond that you called me looking for business, I did not call you. That usually gets the caller off of the phone and lets me know their work ethic or lack thereof. My business is open 7 days a week, 18 hours a day. 24 hours if the customer needs it to be. My point being is that most but not all people think the whole world operates Mon thru Fri 9am until 5pm. To get ahead in this world you need to think outside of the 9 to 5 box.

I was recently looking at advertising agency websites all over the USA. I noticed that 99.99% of the websites claim that they are >>> CREATIVE <<<
If they are all creative, what separates 1 from the other?
Why would they all use the same word ... CREATIVE <<<?
Do advertising agencies copy "The Copy" from a competitors website to their own?
Jan 21, 2025 at 6:03 PM Post #179,552 of 182,488
Jan 21, 2025 at 6:19 PM Post #179,554 of 182,488
I was recently looking at advertising agency websites all over the USA. I noticed that 99.99% of the websites claim that they are >>> CREATIVE <<<
If they are all creative, what separates 1 from the other?
Why would they all use the same word ... CREATIVE <<<?
Do advertising agencies copy "The Copy" from a competitors website to their own?
I am sure if you ask them you'd get creative answers.

Jan 21, 2025 at 6:25 PM Post #179,555 of 182,488

I am going to comment on your posting and go off on a rant. Apologies in advance if the comment + rant was not appropriate.

You gave your son great advice. SS as the only source of income for retirement is a bad joke. I am glad you are able to enjoy your retirement and share your work, skills and photos with all of us. To those that cannot afford retirement, don't think that 9 to 5 job is all you need.

Recently, there was a posting on the internet about a young 20 something female who said she can't pay her bills on a 9 to 5 job. Whoever said that you would be able to?

If you work 5 days a week, you are throwing 28.57% of your wage earning time out the window. 14.285 x 7 days a week = 99.999% I am not saying to work 7 days a week, but don't expect a 9 to 5 job to pay your bills. I was never taught that.

As a business owner, I am always getting sales calls. I always tell the caller that all sales calls are taken Sunday evenings at 7PM Eastern Standard Time. There is usually a pause when I say that and I am ask to repeat what I just said. I always get the same response: "I do not work those hours." I always respond that you called me looking for business, I did not call you. That usually gets the caller off of the phone and lets me know their work ethic or lack thereof. My business is open 7 days a week, 18 hours a day. 24 hours if the customer needs it to be. My point being is that most but not all people think the whole world operates Mon thru Fri 9am until 5pm. To get ahead in this world you need to think outside of the 9 to 5 box.

I was recently looking at advertising agency websites all over the USA. I noticed that 99.99% of the websites claim that they are >>> CREATIVE <<<
If they are all creative, what separates 1 from the other?
Why would they all use the same word ... CREATIVE <<<?
Do advertising agencies copy "The Copy" from a competitors website to their own?
Well said. You might gather I stay very busy in retirement because it is in my nature. I ran my own business for ten years so I know about the long hours. I was often on call when I ran another company even though I was on vacation. Earlier I started to explain that with another company I worked long hours, went to grad school at night and still worked part time on the side. I was most often on salary so there was no such thing as 9-5 hours anyway. 😉
Jan 21, 2025 at 6:42 PM Post #179,556 of 182,488
As of tomorrow this thread has been active for 11 years. Impressive!



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Jan 21, 2025 at 7:35 PM Post #179,558 of 182,488

I am going to comment on your posting and go off on a rant. Apologies in advance if the comment + rant was not appropriate.

You gave your son great advice. SS as the only source of income for retirement is a bad joke. I am glad you are able to enjoy your retirement and share your work, skills and photos with all of us. To those that cannot afford retirement, don't think that 9 to 5 job is all you need.

Recently, there was a posting on the internet about a young 20 something female who said she can't pay her bills on a 9 to 5 job. Whoever said that you would be able to?

If you work 5 days a week, you are throwing 28.57% of your wage earning time out the window. 14.285 x 7 days a week = 99.999% I am not saying to work 7 days a week, but don't expect a 9 to 5 job to pay your bills. I was never taught that.

As a business owner, I am always getting sales calls. I always tell the caller that all sales calls are taken Sunday evenings at 7PM Eastern Standard Time. There is usually a pause when I say that and I am ask to repeat what I just said. I always get the same response: "I do not work those hours." I always respond that you called me looking for business, I did not call you. That usually gets the caller off of the phone and lets me know their work ethic or lack thereof. My business is open 7 days a week, 18 hours a day. 24 hours if the customer needs it to be. My point being is that most but not all people think the whole world operates Mon thru Fri 9am until 5pm. To get ahead in this world you need to think outside of the 9 to 5 box.

I was recently looking at advertising agency websites all over the USA. I noticed that 99.99% of the websites claim that they are >>> CREATIVE <<<
If they are all creative, what separates 1 from the other?
Why would they all use the same word ... CREATIVE <<<?
Do advertising agencies copy "The Copy" from a competitors website to their own?
Why are so many named "Lastname Lastname Advertising?"

I am sure if you ask them you'd get creative answers.

You'd get a proposal. Or a bill. If they're hungry, you'll get the proposal in 1 day or less. If they aren't, it'll take a lot longer. If they're not hungry for your business, you won't get their best work.

Just a couple answers from my days as an agency head.
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 21, 2025 at 7:41 PM Post #179,559 of 182,488
For even knowing that...

The bookmark on my phone is set at the first day of the thread. Too lazy to keep it updated.
Bookmark on the Mac gets updated daily 😎
Jan 21, 2025 at 7:55 PM Post #179,562 of 182,488
I believe the world is more complicated than many “successful” people realize. The most significant factor for success is having either a strong support system (well educated family and friends) or enough focus and determination to overcome the lack of those. A larger than expected portion of the population is coming to realize they are autistic or have adhd or both. Some of them can and do build successful lives but many more cannot. Everyone struggles to some degree but for many simply holding down a 9-5 job is a tremendous feat.

I have never been an ambitious person. I’m just wired differently. I came from a stable but very lower middle class family. I’ve always known I was different than my peers but it wasn’t until the last 7 years (In my 40’s!😳) that I understood what it means to be autistic and how it has shaped me. It might sound like an excuse but it does hold me back. It does keep me from doing what I must from time to time. Understanding this about myself helps a little but it doesn’t fix me.

It’s interesting to hear about guys like Tom who really seem to have life figured out. He seems to have an immense capacity to juggle many balls and and the discipline to maintain them. In my world he’s literally extraordinary! We all know Jason isn’t perfect but he too seems to have an enormous ability to cope with stress. I remember him saying that he always knew he wanted to run a business. He’s just kinda wired that way. Maybe that’s why I’ve stuck around here. To be amongst greatness.
Jan 21, 2025 at 8:03 PM Post #179,563 of 182,488
The bookmark on my phone is set at the first day of the thread. Too lazy to keep it updated.
Bookmark on the Mac gets updated daily 😎
Change the bookmark to page 999999 or some other very high value — that’ll always get you to the most recent page.

This is my bookmarked link:

By my calculations, based on the current speed of the thread, that should work fine for another four or five months… 😬

@rkw's solution is even better:
Last edited:
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 21, 2025 at 8:08 PM Post #179,564 of 182,488

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