Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

Oct 18, 2024 at 9:25 AM Post #168,511 of 181,755
I have a Heathkit vacuum tube ham receiver. With, as I recall, ceramic audio filters.
Did you assemble it? Or receive it as a complete unit?
Oct 18, 2024 at 9:26 AM Post #168,512 of 181,755
I never did much with ham radio but I knew many who did. I was always more into Dynaco than Heathkit but I do respect those who got the price down for the average consumer. I suppose today we have Bottlehead as far as kits.😉

I always wanted to try a vintage Eico or Fisher tube amp. Now, I could probably find a new Rogue Audio tube amp cheaper...! 🥺
Oct 18, 2024 at 9:49 AM Post #168,514 of 181,755
You guys realize this happened last year, right?
Yes. I did some web searches looking for it, hoping it had been recorded, but to no avail. Lost to the depths of time. :cry:
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Oct 18, 2024 at 9:53 AM Post #168,515 of 181,755
I always wanted to try a vintage Eico or Fisher tube amp. Now, I could probably find a new Rogue Audio tube amp cheaper...! 🥺
The old Sherwood I will be refurbing is going for $500 on EBay, it is mono. I really have no need for it once completed but I would take far less.🤪
Oct 18, 2024 at 10:07 AM Post #168,517 of 181,755
Finally managed clear enough conditions here in Central Oregon to get a glimpse of Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS. Still quite faint to the naked eye but a 10 second exposure on my iPhone did a good job.

Nice picture, and beautiful autumn colors 'round there. :-)
Oct 18, 2024 at 10:10 AM Post #168,518 of 181,755
Elekit too.
Yep I did forget to mention them. I also have in my possession a Cary phono preamp that Bill assembled and for a while a preamp of his that was also a kit from Cary.
Oct 18, 2024 at 11:04 AM Post #168,521 of 181,755
Yep I did forget to mention them. I also have in my possession a Cary phono preamp that Bill assembled and for a while a preamp of his that was also a kit from Cary.
.... 😳🫣 ....
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Oct 18, 2024 at 12:20 PM Post #168,523 of 181,755
Oct 18, 2024 at 12:38 PM Post #168,524 of 181,755
Remember Heathkit color tv's?

I agreed to assemble all of the pc boards for one of those beasts for a good friend.
It actually worked when my friend and his dad finished putting it all together.
I believe I saw one years ago, I was very involved in color television during the early part of my career. RCA, then a company that repaired color television modules. In the early days of solid state there were still a lot of tube swappers out there so companies made it easy by having whole circuits that could be plugged in and out, sound, power, IF, vertical, horizontal, etc. Magnavox had a design flaw in a power board and many of the modules were damaged so bad they could not be repaired. I designed my own and figured out how to improve the original. Oh and television tuners were plug in as well on many models. My son made $50 an hour working for me as we repaired those by the hundred.
Oct 18, 2024 at 12:51 PM Post #168,525 of 181,755
I believe I saw one years ago, I was very involved in color television during the early part of my career. RCA, then a company that repaired color television modules. In the early days of solid state there were still a lot of tube swappers out there so companies made it easy by having whole circuits that could be plugged in and out, sound, power, IF, vertical, horizontal, etc. Magnavox had a design flaw in a power board and many of the modules were damaged so bad they could not be repaired. I designed my own and figured out how to improve the original. Oh and television tuners were plug in as well on many models. My son made $50 an hour working for me as we repaired those by the hundred.
And there was Quasar. "The works in a drawer" tv's.

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