So, I use a Saga 2 with my Bifrost 2/64. I use the low-gain mode on the Saga 2 and leave it powered on 24/7 like I do with my Bifrost 2/64.
Today, I was watching a YouTube video when the sound completely cut out. I tried changing to my MacBook Pro 14" internal speakers and sound starting playing. Changed back to the USB connected Bifrost 2/64 and still no sound. I turned off the Saga 2, waited a bit, and then turned it back on. I got a buzzing sound through my speakers but still no sound would play. Then I shuffled through the gain modes. Going from low-gain mode (which I always use) to high-gain mode made no difference. But when I went from high-gain mode to passive mode, sound suddenly started to play. Went back to low-gain mode and sound is still playing. Also, which I now think has something to do with this, I've recently started to sometimes hear faint clicks and pops through my speakers when nothing is playing and everything is idle. I got my Saga 2 in September 2024. Is it already going bad? Should I turn it off when not in use? When I got my Saga 2, I emailed Schiit and asked them if it was okay to leave it powered on 24/7 and they said it was not an issue.