Scared to death grado HF2 and Dynalo problems!

Aug 25, 2009 at 5:29 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 8


1000+ Head-Fier
Oct 4, 2008
Brooklyn NY, Burrow In Furness UK
Today I was scared to death since the left side of my HF2 stopped working. Turns out after some testing with other sources/amps, I have narrowed it down to a problem with the dynalo. I am not a DIY guy, so I have absolutely no skill in this sort of matter on how to repair or finding the cause. If anyone can assist me please let me know. Here are a few pics of the amp. The amp also has a slight burnt smell to it, however I do not know if this is normal or where in the amp it is coming from.

Aug 25, 2009 at 5:58 AM Post #2 of 8
Do you have a multimeter (DMM)? If so, with the volume control set to minimum and no phones connected, measure the R and L channel DC offset. To do this, set the meter fo DC volts, place the black lead on ground, and the red lead on L output and then R output and note the readings. You should be able too get at these on the Neutrik output jack (black wire = ground, I would assume red = R chan and green = L chan). These should be very close to 0V. If they are (and the meter is not auto-ranging), set the meter to DC mV and repeat the measurements.

Until you check this I would not plug your Grados or any other low impedance headphone into this amp.
Aug 25, 2009 at 8:49 AM Post #5 of 8
The Gilmore V2 was sold either as finished amps or kits back before all of the ruckus about group buys happened.
Aug 25, 2009 at 9:00 AM Post #6 of 8

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