sale rs1's & gs1000's to buy ps1000's?

Feb 12, 2010 at 5:10 AM Post #16 of 27
Well I got ATH-AD700 for gaming, Grado HF-2 going to be for Metal and Rock, ALO-780 for gaming, movies and every other genre of music basically
I would still love to own the RS-1 some day
And the magnum modded SR325i...and the HP-2...and the PS1000..the list goes on and on haha.
Feb 12, 2010 at 5:45 AM Post #17 of 27
I own a pair of RS-1's and love them. Wouldn't sell them even if I wanted to upgrade. The sound sig is so unique IMO that they are deff worth holding on too.
Feb 12, 2010 at 6:35 PM Post #18 of 27
thanks for the info guys. I've started thinking about the hd800's but dont know if these would be good for RnB music as someone said they are bass light.
Feb 12, 2010 at 6:38 PM Post #19 of 27

Originally Posted by harj /img/forum/go_quote.gif
thanks for the info guys. I've started thinking about the hd800's but dont know if these would be good for RnB music as someone said they are bass light.

The K701/2s can be considered by some as bass light, but IMHO NOT the HD800s. Listening to Robin Thicke's latest album with them reveals that the bass is more than suitable with RnB; although I did prefer the more impactful bass of the T1s.
Feb 13, 2010 at 3:14 PM Post #20 of 27
I can not comment about RS1 as i have never listened to them.
But i have both GS1000 & HF-2 and love both for different reasons.
After hearing PS1000.... Ye i would give both up for this in a heartbeat.
They are the Ultimate Grado i have ever heard, and easily outclass these two in my opinion.
Jun 1, 2010 at 12:45 AM Post #21 of 27
I'm thinking about going straight from the SR80's to the PS1k's. I've researched different configurations for hours and hours on end but have little-to-no experience with higher model headphones. If someone wants the best Grado, is this reasonable?
Jun 1, 2010 at 4:17 AM Post #22 of 27
Spending that much cash with little to compare with seems a bit dangerous (or crazy) to me.  Why not get a used RS1, and see if you like that?  Then you can sell it if you want something different.
Jun 1, 2010 at 8:27 AM Post #23 of 27

I can not comment about RS1 as i have never listened to them.
But i have both GS1000 & HF-2 and love both for different reasons.
After hearing PS1000.... Ye i would give both up for this in a heartbeat.
They are the Ultimate Grado i have ever heard, and easily outclass these two in my opinion.

You summed it up pretty well but you have the right equipment to evaluate the GS1000 and the PS1000 properly. Cary amps match the big Grado's very well. I have some experience with the SLI-80 but also some SS amps and there are obvious technical advantages of the PS1000 over the GS1000, not mentioning the RS1 which are kind of incomplete in their presentation. I described it several times in the forum and I say that the RS1 and the RS2 are siblings, the former is a master of analysis, showing aspects of each sound, the latter the master of synthesis, the overall impression leading to the conviction that what you hear is real. The GS1000 can do both and add the superreal soundstage. The PS1000 is one step further in harmonic decomposition of each sound, with virtually no coloration compared to the GS1000 and more direct foreground without losing the great feeling of perspective which in the HD800 presentation is lost.
The PS1000 is probably the most tonally accurate headphone now available. This is what professional reviews say and what I would say about them. Second to them is the Denon AH-D7000 while I admit I have never heard the T1. The HD800 is neither transparent nor neutral - bad perspective like in the 3D CAD software view with the perspective turned off and their sound is dead.
Jun 1, 2010 at 12:52 PM Post #24 of 27

Spending that much cash with little to compare with seems a bit dangerous (or crazy) to me.  Why not get a used RS1, and see if you like that?  Then you can sell it if you want something different.

I was actually set on purchasing a new pair of RS1i's. I gave the disclaimer to my wife that even if I really enjoy these, I may upgrade in the future. She was the one that prompted me to go straight for the top. And let me tell you, when your wife gives you the thumbs up to buy a $1700 pair of cans, this is something you don't think twice about haha. But like you are saying, I'm afraid I won't be able to appreciate what the PS1000 truly can provide.
Jun 1, 2010 at 5:23 PM Post #25 of 27

I can not comment about RS1 as i have never listened to them.
But i have both GS1000 & HF-2 and love both for different reasons.
After hearing PS1000.... Ye i would give both up for this in a heartbeat.
They are the Ultimate Grado i have ever heard, and easily outclass these two in my opinion.

I don't usually post here any more. However, I choose to comment because at least you have the proper equipment to evaluate these phones and for that reason, most informed listeners will value your opinion.
Jun 1, 2010 at 8:25 PM Post #26 of 27

I was actually set on purchasing a new pair of RS1i's. I gave the disclaimer to my wife that even if I really enjoy these, I may upgrade in the future. She was the one that prompted me to go straight for the top. And let me tell you, when your wife gives you the thumbs up to buy a $1700 pair of cans, this is something you don't think twice about haha. But like you are saying, I'm afraid I won't be able to appreciate what the PS1000 truly can provide.

Get them with a 30 day return and we'll get together for a meet at the U. I'll bring the RS-1s.

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