Review of Audio Technica ATH-IM01, ATH-IM02, ATH-IM03, ATH-IM04, ATH-IM50, & ATH-IM70

Aug 17, 2014 at 4:03 AM Post #961 of 3,060
The Silver plated OFC cable sounds tighter, slightly improve the detail and clarity. Treble is slightly more transparent. Very nice indeed!
I would say the improvement is not night and day, but definitely audible. What I like is the improvement in detail and tightness, where the imaging is now clearer, more focus & transparent.
I use Jazz at the Pawnshop for testing.

I might have to get one.. did you perceive any changes in soundstage?
Aug 17, 2014 at 4:54 AM Post #964 of 3,060
Hmmm. I THINK I get a larger soundstage with the AT upgrade cable. I'm pretty sure that one is made from a different material. However, now I'm in doubt. I'll go do comparisons immediately.

Sometime clearer imaging can be perceived as slightly wider or more spacious imaging.
Aug 17, 2014 at 5:26 AM Post #965 of 3,060
Sometime clearer imaging can be perceived as slightly wider or more spacious imaging.

Okay, so after some testing I have come to the conclusion that the change of size in the soundstage is smaller than in my initial impressions, but not non-existent. I tried to focus on a single instrument of a song, and tried to remember my perception of its location in relation to my actual ear (I hope this makes sense...). 
Aug 18, 2014 at 3:06 AM Post #966 of 3,060
Got my IM03 this morning. Used Isotek burn-in and de-magnetize track for four hours before listen.
For the first day
My initial though is that its mid is very close to ATH-ESW9, it is in warm side.
High is also as same as ESW9, not open or sparkle now. don't get me wrong, high has very good details, just lack some harmonics. Hope that after fully break in, it will have some more sparkle, just hope
Bass is very good!!!. I  listen to female vocal and jazz only (with some classical). So I don't want a lot of bass. When I play Spanish Harlem, Rebecca Pidgeon, I can heard the vibration details of double bass. Wow!!!!!!. This is a good sign of bass quality not quantity, It sound closer to ESW11LTD.  I'm a happy guy now
Here is some pictures.

This is my first IEM, Its package is not as good as my W1000, ESW11LTD, and W5000.

A close look

I also order upgraded cable. This cable feel more sturdy than stock cable.

Aug 18, 2014 at 12:41 PM Post #969 of 3,060
I just know that the ATH IM02 got a GQ-30783 like the Stagediver SD2/Westone 2.

Wouldn't the frequency response of the ATH-IM02 therefore be similar to the specs. If it were damped the impedance listed for the IM-02 would change. I'm assuming the IM-02 only uses one GQ-30783 which is comprised of two balanced armature speakers.
Edit: The frequency response shown is without damping.

Aug 18, 2014 at 4:44 PM Post #970 of 3,060
How do you remove filters from an IEM? I noticed a piece of ear wax on the left filter of my IM70 when I was on the bus. I tried to pick it out with my finger but I just ended up smudging it further inside the filter.

Now the filter is clogged up with ear wax and I don't know how to get it out/remove the filter. I tried with a pair of tweezers when I got home and that just made things worse by scratching the filter, making it fluffy and not smooth.
Aug 19, 2014 at 4:02 AM Post #971 of 3,060
  Anyone know what Knowles BA drivers are being used in each model?

When I spoke to AT representative who came to Singapore during the ATH-IM series product launch, they said that the BA drivers in the IM series are Audio Technica own BA drivers, not OEM from other manufacturers. Each BA driver in all the models are different, none of them are shared between the model. So AT practically developed 10 BA drivers for the IM series.
Aug 19, 2014 at 4:03 AM Post #972 of 3,060
How do you remove filters from an IEM? I noticed a piece of ear wax on the left filter of my IM70 when I was on the bus. I tried to pick it out with my finger but I just ended up smudging it further inside the filter.

Now the filter is clogged up with ear wax and I don't know how to get it out/remove the filter. I tried with a pair of tweezers when I got home and that just made things worse by scratching the filter, making it fluffy and not smooth.

I used needle to open the nozzle filter of my IM50.
Aug 19, 2014 at 4:36 AM Post #973 of 3,060
When I spoke to AT representative who came to Singapore during the ATH-IM series product launch, they said that the BA drivers in the IM series are Audio Technica own BA drivers, not OEM from other manufacturers. Each BA driver in all the models are different, none of them are shared between the model. So AT practically developed 10 BA drivers for the IM series.

I'm sceptical that Audio Technica made their own balanced armature speakers. They may have just customised some from Knowles.
Aug 19, 2014 at 11:04 AM Post #975 of 3,060
Hey guys,

I recently bought a ATH-IM02, and I'm really impressed by it's sound quality, however I realized that the IEM pretty much only sounds good on mobile phones.. I have tried it on my laptop, Nexus 7 2012, PC, and a audio interface rated 32 ohms and it sounded very weak on them.

I tried the IEM on a LG Optimus 2x, HTC One M7, LG G2 and Galaxy Note 2, and it sounded good on all of those mobile phones. 

Is this because of the higher output impedance of those mentioned players? Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?


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