Review of Audio Technica ATH-IM01, ATH-IM02, ATH-IM03, ATH-IM04, ATH-IM50, & ATH-IM70

Apr 9, 2020 at 1:21 PM Post #3,046 of 3,060
flowery words, tho interesting regardless.
is the filter a removable foam like in IM02 or non removable like on IM04?
Apr 9, 2020 at 2:18 PM Post #3,047 of 3,060
Im01 with filter removed and sony hybrid tips was the most unique clarity sound i ever come accross,

I feel really relieve and at ease when listen to this happy and honestly beautiful princess that was never liar the most,

even your parent are liar to you sometime let's aside your girlfriend or wife,

even IM02 that was like the most 'beautiful goddess' can hidden something from you,

even e70 that was like 'real mona lisa' but no one can guarantee if she was liar to you sometime or not,

but this princess was just feel.... I can only honestly with you... never liar.... I rather die than liar to you~ even happiness or sadness~~ always made me smile even before even into the zone of music.

of course it was not have bass and treble extension of im02 or e70, it was still the most honestly sound and made up with unique bell tone clarity

that why this honestly princess will always in my heart forever~

I had a good experience like that and also with a single armature. Back in the day though :) Had an early skinny cable UE 3 Studio with the wideband armature. Changed the cable and they were pretty damn great. Same thing the "honestly" thing was more like really being there and more transparent and the bell tone clarity. Was comparing to the ER4S at the time and murdered them on the stge. Immense in comparison and right there with my AKG headphones at the time. Testing out cymbals and even triangle strikes in music and the same Hi-Fi vs. reference thing. The Ety was like listening through a piece of equipment while the other was more like being there and hearing it in real life. Same thing again, didn't have the reach or extension of the Ety or other stuff but the information was there and that was easily forgiven. Just better. Tried to replicate but newer version was a dissapointment. Same cable so I think they cheapened the driver. Actually bought a SF3 new or used 3 more times and fail, fail, fail.
May 7, 2020 at 5:36 AM Post #3,048 of 3,060
hello , can you guys give me some advice ? im having an ath im03 . i love it . i listening various kind of music . im not a bass-head , i prefer everything balanced with good soundstage , maybe with a little more of vocal . i wanna try the im04 .. but sadly it is not avaible much in my coutry .i got a deal but he is far away , cant test before decide to pick it up or not . im using lg v30 and lg g8 . is it a best choice to have im04 along with im03 ? cause i heard they said that the im04 will be alike the im03 after change the cable . that's make me confused .
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Jul 24, 2020 at 9:16 PM Post #3,049 of 3,060
hello , can you guys give me some advice ? im having an ath im03 . i love it . i listening various kind of music . im not a bass-head , i prefer everything balanced with good soundstage , maybe with a little more of vocal . i wanna try the im04 .. but sadly it is not avaible much in my coutry .i got a deal but he is far away , cant test before decide to pick it up or not . im using lg v30 and lg g8 . is it a best choice to have im04 along with im03 ? cause i heard they said that the im04 will be alike the im03 after change the cable . that's make me confused .
I am interested getting an IM04 too. I have the IM01,02, and the 03 and overall I am impressed with those. Also, their prices have gone down because the increasing preference of bluetooth earphone over the cabled ones.

Actually, the IM02 is the most fatiguing and least favorite among those three but I had to stuff the IM02 with additional filters to attenuate the treble. As the result, the IM02 sounds bombastic, detailed, and the additional filter makes the bass sounds more impactful too.
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Jul 29, 2020 at 11:37 AM Post #3,050 of 3,060
I got out my IM-70s for the first time in a while. Excellent! Especially for the price What would be a step (or two) up in the Audio Technica line with a similar sound signature (I do like low bass)?

Doug Greenberg Berkeley CA
Aug 1, 2020 at 11:16 PM Post #3,051 of 3,060
Back IM.jpgFront IM.jpg

I bought the used IM04 ($300) as my reward for completing my thesis. My overall impression was confused. When I first gave it a listen, I thought the earphones were broke. I immediately requested a return (which might not possibly happen, but I will keep it in my collection, regardless), but once I read through the reviews online, I notice that the IM04 is a laid-back earphone, which is not what I expected from the feedback of other reviewers - dark, warm, and lush (which I thought might sound like XBA-40 or Westone 4) I've gotten used to the IM03, which has an energetic and fun signature, but the IM04 is the opposite: relaxing and laid back. Still, I prefer the IM01 and the 03, and I would feel bummed if I purchased the IM04 full-priced, at $570 ish. Regardless, IM04 is a rare earphone, and I have difficulties finding cheaper IM04 elsewhere. I love the IM series, and as an earphone aficionado, I would like to complete the series.

These are my impression of today's listening session. The IM04 has roll-off on both bass and treble. It has slightly more bass rumble than the IM03 and the IM01, but it lacks the sub-bass extension, which gives the impactful bass. Still, IM04 gives satisfying rumble when as song calls it, but it might not perform well when playing electronic or bass-heavy tracks. Also, the bass misses some details and extensions. However, I like its treble presentation; it is the smoothest among the IM series. It lacks of the sparkle, shrills, and the brilliance of the IM03 and IM02, but it makes the IM04 a non-fatiguing earphone. I threw some harsh metal tracks and some with crazy repetitive cymbals, and the IM04 did an excellent job in maintaining them, but I still yearn for more treble and bass extension. I find the vocals are great on the IM04.

Taken together, the IM04 sounds dull (or, flatter is a better word) compared to the other IM series, but duller than the IM01, which I think it has more impactful bass, nearly close to the Klipsch X10. It reminds me of XBA-1, but with the sounds of multiple driver BAs.

Besides of its laidback nature, the earphone has an intimate and closed-in soundstage. Still, it sounds less-forward than the IM02 or any mid-centric earphones, but it gets nasal when played loudly. I agree with the findings of other reviewers that the IM04 has more depth and space, compared to its brothers. But, the depth falls behind to the Westone 4, and Sony XBA-40 has a better edge on the 3D presentation (and XBA-40 is far more fun than the IM04).

The IM04 indeed needs more volume. It needs 3-4 lever higher to reach a comparable level of IM03 and IM01, and 6-8 level higher to achieve an equivalent level higher than IM02, which is a loud and sensitive earphone.

I need some time to gather my observation. Maybe it gets better when I start to grow on the earphone. If you want me to compare the IM04 to the other earphone, please see my profile for the list of earphones I have. I still love the IM03 and IM01 - compared to the others. I agree with Lionlian that the IM01 is unanimously one of the best single-BA I have encountered, though the earphone is not popular among the peers.

All earphones use Lunashop cable, and Sony Hybrid tips. I listen to these from Sansa Clip Zip (rock-boxed).
EQ settings:
  • 32hz = +2.3 db
  • 64hz = +2.2 db
  • 125hz = +1.0 db
  • 250, 500, 1000 hz = 0.0
  • 2000 hz = -1.0 db
  • 4000 hz = -1.0 db
  • 8000 hz = - 0.5 db
  • 16,000 hz = +0.5 db
There were no significant differences with the sound between the stock cable and the Lunashop's. I chose the Lunashop's because of its supple and light cable. The stock is just heavy, cumbersome, and the memory wire makes the cable hassle to wear.

I had compared with the Sony NWA45 and noticed the Sansa clip zip's sounds better, probably because of the EQ setting.
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Aug 2, 2020 at 6:47 AM Post #3,052 of 3,060
Back IM.jpgFront IM.jpg

I bought the used IM04 ($300) as my reward for completing my thesis. My overall impression was confused. When I first gave it a listen, I thought the earphones were broke. I immediately requested a return (which might not possibly happen, but I will keep it in my collection, regardless), but once I read through the reviews online, I notice that the IM04 is a laid-back earphone, which is not what I expected from the feedback of other reviewers - dark, warm, and lush (which I thought might sound like XBA-40 or Westone 4) I've gotten used to the IM03, which has an energetic and fun signature, but the IM04 is the opposite: relaxing and laid back. Still, I prefer the IM01 and the 03, and I would feel bummed if I purchased the IM04 full-priced, at $570 ish. Regardless, IM04 is a rare earphone, and I have difficulties finding cheaper IM04 elsewhere. I love the IM series, and as an earphone aficionado, I would like to complete the series.

These are my impression of today's listening session. The IM04 has roll-off on both bass and treble. It has slightly more bass rumble than the IM03 and the IM01, but it lacks the sub-bass extension, which gives the impactful bass. Still, IM04 gives satisfying rumble when as song calls it, but it might not perform well when playing electronic or bass-heavy tracks. Also, the bass misses some details and extensions. However, I like its treble presentation; it is the smoothest among the IM series. It lacks of the sparkle, shrills, and the brilliance of the IM03 and IM02, but it makes the IM04 a non-fatiguing earphone. I threw some harsh metal tracks and some with crazy repetitive cymbals, and the IM04 did an excellent job in maintaining them, but I still yearn for more treble and bass extension. I find the vocals are great on the IM04.

Taken together, the IM04 sounds dull and boring, even duller than the IM01, which I think it has more impactful bass, nearly close to the Klipsch X10. It reminds me of XBA-1, but with the sounds of multiple driver BAs.

Besides of its laidback nature, the earphone has an intimate and closed-in soundstage. Still, it sounds less-forward than the IM02 or any mid-centric earphones, but it gets nasal when played loudly. I agree with the findings of other reviewers that the IM04 has more depth and space, compared to its brothers. But, the depth falls behind to the Westone 4, and Sony XBA-40 has a better edge on the 3D presentation (and XBA-40 is far more fun than the IM04).

The IM04 indeed needs more volume. It needs 3-4 lever higher to reach a comparable level of IM03 and IM01, and 6-8 level higher to achieve an equivalent level higher than IM02, which is a loud and sensitive earphone.

I need some time to gather my observation. Maybe it gets better when I start to grow on the earphone. If you want me to compare the IM04 to the other earphone, please see my profile for the list of earphones I have. I still love the IM03 and IM01 - compared to the others. I agree with Lionlian that the IM01 is unanimously one of the best single-BA I have encountered, though the earphone is not popular among the peers.

All earphones use Lunashop cable, and Sony Hybrid tips. I listen to these from Sansa Clip Zip (rock-boxed).
EQ settings:
  • 32hz = +2.3 db
  • 64hz = +2.2 db
  • 125hz = +1.0 db
  • 250, 500, 1000 hz = 0.0
  • 2000 hz = -1.0 db
  • 4000 hz = -1.0 db
  • 8000 hz = - 0.5 db
  • 16,000 hz = +0.5 db
There were no significant differences with the sound between the stock cable and the Lunashop's. I chose the Lunashop's because of its supple and light cable. The stock is just heavy, cumbersome, and the memory wire makes the cable hassle to wear.

I had compared with the Sony NWA45 and noticed the Sansa clip zip's sounds better, probably because of the EQ setting.
tks u so much , your review was very helpful to me , in my country there is a guy offer an im04 for me with the price about 200 usd , after reading your review , i think it would be a good choice , tks u again <3
Aug 3, 2020 at 2:18 AM Post #3,053 of 3,060
I always think my im04 is quite intimate, sometimes too forward. The bass doesnt have DD rumble but well controlled and better than many multi-BAs iems i tried. Mid range like i said, is very intimate and has the ATH colored mid range. I dont think i like its treble because its too smooth but the imaging is quite good for the price i paid (which was about 180-200$ for both this, and upgraded cable). Soundstage does not wide, but not too bad depth though.
In conclusion, i think its a good iem but cant compete with most 3-400 chifi iems in term of tonality and technicality.
P/S i feel like im04 can be very source dependent. It sounds not so good on something like es100, btr5, or even a dap like shanling m0, onkyo dps1. I once tried it with fiio x3 gen 3 and these are the most terrible combo ever, but x5ii are very good though.
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Aug 3, 2020 at 12:21 PM Post #3,054 of 3,060

I agree, but I am unhappy with the sound of IM04. It sounds atrocious - significant roll-off on highs and lows and source dependent. The low-bass didn't change when I boosted up the 32 hz and 64 hz, but when I boosted the 100-125hz, the bass distorted. It is unacceptable for a $300 earphone I paid. The iBasso DX80, which has ohm impendance < 0.1, doesn't help at all. For a quad-driver earphone, I expected more than that. I returned the product, hope to get a full refund.

Don't get the IM04 - get either IM01 (which is cheap atm) or IM03.
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Sep 14, 2020 at 11:09 AM Post #3,055 of 3,060
While I listens to Honest Princess 'IM01', I still missed Beautiful Goddess of True Colour 'im02' for time to times~

but I shall carry on and get used Real Mona lisa 'ATH E70' in end game of the near future instead hahaha~
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Sep 17, 2020 at 9:07 AM Post #3,056 of 3,060
Summarization of IM series sound characters,

Im01 = Cute
Im02 = Beautiful
Im03 = Adorable
Im04 = Romantic
Dec 10, 2020 at 8:44 AM Post #3,057 of 3,060
Conclusive review for IM02/03 and their departure from good servitude :)

ATH-IM02: Very good value, boasting finesse and tonal balance. Analytical, airy and musical but less refined and more strident when compared with IM03. Both IM02/03 appear to be on the bright crisper side with clarity in mids and highs. Bass is neutral, mid-bass can be discerned properly. It is like the more expensive Inear SD2 but falls closely behind in technicalities and performance.

ATH-IM03: More vocal warmth and fullness than IM02, with smoother upper mids, lesser treble extension but with better balance and control. Treble comes with more refinement and smoothness. Bass remains neutral, with added presence of subbass warmth than IM02s. Overall it has a delicate yet musical tuning, one of the best representation of female vocals in its price.

End notes, after babying both of them for years
Although I would prefer more bass engagement/extension/definition, both iterations of IMs were done well and simple without needing those characteristics. The IM04/LS400 fares better in lows but were a tad dark and wooly, drowning the attenuation of the IM02/03. While outclassed by many tough players in the market today, I think they remained technically and musically relevant - showcasing a vintage interpretation of female vocals. IMO it satisfied the change from older BA series like the CK10, CK90PRO/CK100PRO and you could hear its evolution. The LS series which succeeds the IM series on the other hand did not make groundbreaking changes as compared to their inception but with an approach tailored towards mainstream tuning (more bass, more forwardness). With the slight bump / technicalities in mids and clarity of upper frequencies, the ATH-IMs easily excel in rendering more natural and intimate vocals without excessive engagement. I found the Audiosense T800 and DM7 more colored in that respect - T800 too strident and DM7 too muffled (hence I sold them)
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Sep 5, 2022 at 4:48 AM Post #3,058 of 3,060
I changed the plug on my IM04 to 4.4 bal as I can use the cable on my IM02 also, driving it with 4.4 to 2.5 with my Shanling M3 for a couple years, today's the first time I listened to it closely with My WM1A and man, it performed better than I remember it ever going.
Great seperation, good staging, it just feel atmospheric while retaining very good seal, I like it quite a bit actually.
I need to try the chifi IEM I compared 04 to which costed around 150 USD, it only managed to be equal back then but I wonder now.
Last time I tried a Chi fi it was a Blessing 2 and thats more than twice what I paid for my used 04 for 3 years ago.

BTW is it worth sourcing the IM03 when I got both 02 and 04?
For me the 04 is still special in its inoffensive tuning even when not driven that well, tho indeed it can sound just crap with high OutZ sources, not even my LG V60 is doing well there 🤣.
Honestly I like it better than the 02, I often just brings it anywhere I go as I knew it is good with most things, very comfortable and durable enough to take a beating. For me neither my IM02 nor HEM1 (Which has Westone/Shure shaped tiny housing) isn't as comfortable as the 04.
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Oct 7, 2022 at 12:41 PM Post #3,059 of 3,060
Popping in just to say, tried three times to replace my IM04,
Bought Ocharaku Flat4 Keyaki+, Shure KSE1200, CA Andromeda.
Must say, if you really, really love your IM series, keep it around, even the Andro is just a different flavor, it neither have the vocal sweetness nor the Soundstage depth IM04 have. And it has way worse impedance problem than the IM04 😅
Only the KSE managed to truly outshines it in everything but Vocal, but then it's like 8x the price.
Ocharaku is just a different flavor Entirely (still love that one)
Thinking I'm going back to just using my IM04 on genres my Z1R isn't good at.
Jan 16, 2023 at 2:37 AM Post #3,060 of 3,060
Digged out my pair of IM02s that has been sitting in the drawer for a couple of years. I noticed the filters in the tips have disintegrated (these filters). So I used a safety pin to dig them out, thinking they were dust and old ear wax. I guess the IEMs can still be used for listening? What substitutes can I use to replace the filters?

Tested them, and the right side is much softer than the left. A lot of treble and no bass. I swapped the cables with the R and L. And the right side still sounded weak. An issue with the drivers? Is there a fix or this pair is gone?
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