Recommendations for headphones/amp for mixing
Sep 6, 2018 at 11:37 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Sep 3, 2018
Hello all. My living situation is such that I can't use my JBL-LSR 305s to mix anymore; I have to use headphones. Looking at all the different options for headphones, I'm a bit overwhelmed... So here's what I'm looking for:

Open-back headphones: around $200

Headphone Amp: preferably less than $100 - doesn't have to be portable

I'm going to be using these to mix music with a lot of bass and kick drums, so if you lovely people could help me slim down my choices, that would be great. I had my eyes on the Beyerdynamic Dt990 (don't know whether to get 250 or 600 ohms) but I am completely as to what to get for an amp.

Thank you
Sep 7, 2018 at 3:51 PM Post #2 of 2
For mixing, you might be better off getting an Audio Interface, then a DAC/amp.
An Audio Interface is a DAC/amp, but with more useful features (hardware & software) for working with audio production.

For mixing and any other audio production (creation, mixing, editing), headphones that are more neutral, might be better.
Check out the Sony MDR-V6 or MDR-7506.

Headphones like the DT990 has too much biased (strong bass/treble) in the audio.
The DT990 are more for enjoying audio, then audio production.
The DT990 600-Ohm do sound better then the DT990 250-Ohm, but 600-Ohm headphones you might need a more powerful headphone amplifier, then what an Audio Interface comes with.

I just bought the Fostex T-X0 from Massdrop, I like them better then my DT990.

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