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May 29, 2010 at 9:53 PM Post #5,821 of 24,788

Yep, I agree it was excellent overall..  I loved the tension in the shady bar scene when they were dropping off the $30k with the guy peeking out from the bathroom, and then Pachino shouting threats while he was out of ammo.  Can't believe it took me so long to see this one.
The 1993 one with Al Pacino? IMO, this  was a tremendously well acted/well orchestrated movie. Very underrated film that i feel didn't get too much recgonition. I honestly think it's better than the acclaim hit 'Scarface', but that's just my personal opinion.

May 30, 2010 at 11:45 PM Post #5,822 of 24,788
Just watched Prince of Persia and I give it 8/10.  Don't know about the game which is probably why I gave it a high score. Resident Evil movies, now that's a different story. Can't wait for Tron: Legacy, the A team, Avatar: the last airbender, and Karate Kid(why would you call the kid "karate kid" if he is learning Kung-fu?)
May 31, 2010 at 2:00 PM Post #5,823 of 24,788
Five Minutes of Heaven, 6/10
An emotional look at the Northern Ireland conflict that gets into the dilemma of revenge vs. reconciliation. I didn't find it very compelling, thought it could have been done better differently. Good acting from Liam Neeson and James Nesbitt.
May 31, 2010 at 3:35 PM Post #5,824 of 24,788
Well, it looked interesting, a documentary about Hollywood blacklisted writers. I had to turn it off during the footage of the HUAC committee. I was just getting to upset.
Jun 1, 2010 at 5:26 AM Post #5,827 of 24,788
Avatar - 9/10 Story was predictable but not boring. Enjoyed the CGI realism. I imagine we'll see more movies utilizing similar technologies.
Jun 1, 2010 at 8:06 AM Post #5,828 of 24,788
Some movies I've seen over the past two weeks or so:
Iron Man 2 - 7/10 - Predictable, yes. But still fun fare for the comicbook loving crowd (of which I still consider myself one).
Inglourious Basterds - 10/10 - A total win. How did I not see this 'til now? How did this not get "Best Picture"?
Invictus - 1/10 - Just a bad movie. Even Freeman & Damon could not pull off this boring, badly told story.
All About Steve - 7/10 - Not "Citizen Kane" or anything, but a totally enjoyable flic. Great date movie.
Edge of Darkness - 5/10 - If you want to see a "Deathwish"-style revenge movie, check it out. Otherwise, meh.
Pirate Radio - 3/10 - What a mess. Maybe there was something redeemable in there, but after a while I just didn't care. *shrug*
Whip It! - 9/10 - Awesome movie by first-time director Drew Barrymore. Both hilarious & heart-tugging. Just see it!
Jun 2, 2010 at 3:33 AM Post #5,830 of 24,788
Iron Man 2 - 8/10
I thought it was pretty good aside from all the bad reviews. I liked it as much as the 1st one. The only thing was that the villain died too easily and the Tony Stark character is starting to annoy me (or maybe the way Robert Downey Jr. is playing him).  
Jun 2, 2010 at 5:30 AM Post #5,831 of 24,788
Iron Man 2: Iron Man 2 sets out to improve upon the solid foundation of it's predecessor but lacks the charm and energy of the first film resulting in a collage of uninteresting plot points, and dull action scenes that leaves Iron Man 2 standing as a wasted opportunity. 5/10
Nightmare on Elm Street: After I left the theater I was pleasantly surprised at how much the film exceeded my expectations. Of course it should be noted that my expectations were already low. This new Nightmare is better than you think, but is still worse than you can hope for. It's about as run of the mill as a horror film can be. 4/10

The Losers: Dull, uninspired, and completely lackluster in all areas. The Losers is a prime example of a film that was green lit without even the least bit of intention to be relevant or engaging. 4/10

Jun 2, 2010 at 6:33 AM Post #5,832 of 24,788
Iron man 2 nah I am more interested in Iron baby
Jun 2, 2010 at 7:16 AM Post #5,833 of 24,788
The Road 4/10
The message didn't get through as strongly as it should have IMO. I felt no emotion to this film. Jeez, I feel more emotion watching Bones!
A very forgettable film I'm sorry to say.
Jun 2, 2010 at 12:41 PM Post #5,834 of 24,788

(or maybe the way Robert Downey Jr. is playing him).  

Sometimes, I wonder about all the hub bub about RDJ. I like the guy. He's witty and a burn out survivor. As a prop for a tent pole, I think he's great.. But is he a prestige actor? I never really bought into that. To me, he kind of has been playing the same character, himself for a while.

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