New Head-Fier
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- Nov 15, 2013
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hi wanna share my collection of headphone till right now
i've got
- sony mdr 7510 upgraded the pad to dekoni velour elitecollection i really rarely using this for me the sound was bright with bass underwhelming on default earpad (pleather i guess) but after i am changing it to dekoni somehow its obtaining the warm of sony headphone like mdr1a sony headphoneBuild quality = good plastickish but i bet it will over a years before showing some crack (hard plastic)
-sony mdr cd900st upgraded the pad to brainwavz sheepskin cd900st
the most neutral near bright headphone cans i ever heard , the mid was overwhelming intimate and i am really enjoying it listening to woman voice music its really intimate mid (garbage in garbage out is on set with these headphones its so analiytical that i heard recording error on my indonesian singer album music)build quality = what else i need to said?? this is studio headphone the cable designed to withstand abuse and the headphone is good quality i bet this will get over 5-10 years before i can seeing it with problem
-akg k702 upgraded to dekonni elite hybrid for akgdaily gaming driver for my fps life i really love this cans after upgrading it with elite hybrid dekoni the sound detailing and soundstage whoring is so phenomenal for me that i rank up GE under 2 weeks from DMG
build quality = more worse that k7xx its like can break any moment feel but its good but i am not so sure will withstand abuse
-akh k7xx
warm AKG , its good for listening jazz or classical music the earpads also comfortable
build quality = good hard plastic really esthetic the clamp force was in moderate way its having more force clamp than akh k702 but its in good way not hurting your ears
-sennheiser game onei am only using this for dota 2 the comfort was amazing can play 2-3 games without wearing off my earsfor the sq was slightly warm with a very "sennheiser sound"build quality= Hard Plastic yes and the cable is braided to good quality
with dac amp
sdac+o2 amp massdrop
with cd900st this sdac and o2 am was freaking amazing for musicality of female voice i mean its really in your face mid its freaking intimate . but for gaming?? its trash as the sound was all on mid can't reccomended it for gaming
fx audio x6
my daily dac amp for gaming the soundstage and detailing is on another level the sound being bright is good for gaming
and topping tp32ex for feeding my passive speaker yamaha ns-333 << this is speaker you know bass is all the way
past collection
hd 650 sennheiser
fidelio x2
mdr 7506
and many else ( forgot)
please rate my setup and share yours to