100+ Head-Fier
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Anyone here into outdoor gear? I'm looking for a waterproof and windproof rain jacket that can be worn in warm or cold weather, with a backpack if needed. When I say waterproof I mean can withstand hours in the driving rain. I currently have a noname cheapo jacket that not only isn't actually waterproof but it doesn't breathe either, so I get soaked and wildly overheated at the same time. It's the worst.
I'm currently looking at (i) the Columbia Outdry Extreme shell which has a permanently waterproof layer on the outside of the jacket , (i) the Outdoor Research Realm which has very good reviews but does appear to soak through eventually, or (iii) the TNF Hyperair GTX which also has an outer permanent waterproof layer, except that it's not designed to be durable.
Anyone have thoughts on these or other comparable jackets?
I'm currently looking at (i) the Columbia Outdry Extreme shell which has a permanently waterproof layer on the outside of the jacket , (i) the Outdoor Research Realm which has very good reviews but does appear to soak through eventually, or (iii) the TNF Hyperair GTX which also has an outer permanent waterproof layer, except that it's not designed to be durable.
Anyone have thoughts on these or other comparable jackets?