Question about Panasonic SL-CT800
Aug 31, 2003 at 4:26 AM Post #2 of 6

It's as loud as the iMP-550 to me, loud enough.
Aug 31, 2003 at 4:32 AM Post #3 of 6
Thanks for the reply Thasp. It was your review of the CT800 that got me reinterested in it. Being a fan of the older Panasonics, I was hesitant to get a newer model. It will take some getting used to listening to lower volumes (I'm a "LVL" - Loud Volume Listener
), but I think I can get used to it.
BTW, do you have the North American or the Japanese model? I'm wondering if the Japanese model sold on Audiocubes is 6mW, while the North American (the version whose manual I saw) is 8mW. I know the Japanese model has a lineout, and the NA version doesn't, so maybe the output is different, too?
Aug 31, 2003 at 5:48 PM Post #6 of 6

Originally posted by EyeAmEye
I was looking around for info about the Panasonic SL-CT800. First I went to Audiocubes, they claim the headphone output of the CT800 is 6mW per channel, but the Panasonic manual states 8mW per channel. Can anyone who owns the unit comment on this?

I don't have the Panasonic SL-CT800, but I do have the SL-CT790 and SL-SX500 (an older Panasonic).

The SL-CT790 sucks in terms of build quality. The all aluminum case is flimsy, and the player has a hissy fit if I try to keep it in the front pocket of my pants and then sit down. The fabric seems to pull too tightly over it for the players tolerance. It's not even pulling that tight, I can still easily pull it out of my pocket when I'm sitting down. Additionally the external battery pack design is poor. Additionally, it does not go nearly as loud as my SL-SX500. My SL-SX500 will drive my Sennheiser HD590s to uncomfortably loud levels quite easily, while, IMHO, the SL-CT790 can barely drive the HD590s to reasonable levels. THe SL-CT790 definitely needs an amp for powering any somewhat large cans. THe anti-skip on the SL-CT790 doesn't seem to work as well as on the SL-SX500, and you don't have the option of turning it off on the 790 as you do on the 500. You need the remote on the 790 to operate all the functions of the 790, but the 500 operates perfectly without it's remote. I find the SL-CT790's remote to be somewhat flaky- the button that controls volume, play, stop, previous and next doesn't work great.

From looking at the SL-CT800, and by looking I mean literally just looking, not touching, listening, it looks as though it is easily as flimsy as the CT790.

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