Preparing for SR-225 arrival. Any tips?
Jun 18, 2007 at 2:02 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 43


New Head-Fier
Jun 14, 2007
Like most of those that come to head-fi curious about better sound, I have become the owner of a new pair of cans. The Grado's will be my first pair of nice cans as I have been using poor quality Sony headphones such as the MDR-xxx series (both in ear and over ear). After much reading I decided that the Grados would by my first purchase as my primary sources will be my iPod Video and Audigy LS soundcard. I was considering the Senn 580s but ruled them out because I am not looking to buy an amp right now. Perhaps they will be my next purchase to complement my Grados. I was able to find the 225s NEW on ebay for $170 shipped so I decided to make the purchase. The cans should be hear by the end of the week and I am wondering if anyone has any tips about burn-in, pads, or anything else that improves the sound of these headphones. Some of the music I listen to inclues Arcade Fire, Battles, Benoit Pioulard, Broken Social Scene, Destroyer, Elliott Smith, Flaming Lips, Interpol, Jeff Buckley, Radiohead, The Shins, Stars, Sufjan, Talking Heads, Wilco, etc.
Jun 18, 2007 at 2:03 AM Post #3 of 43
I would say some candle light would work well. Sets the mood... try a citronella candle to keep away the bugs. They are a common problem this time of year.

Other than that... sensual oils, maybe? Always good to get things started.
Jun 18, 2007 at 2:13 AM Post #4 of 43
1) Make sure you stretch the headband out for a proper and comfortable fit, as directed by the paperwork included in the box. The biggest Grado newbie mistake is trying to wear the phones without stretching them out to fit them properly, which is followed by a post belly-aching about how uncomfortable their new Grados are (I made this very mistake back in the day with my first pair of Grado phones, sans the belly aching post). On the contrary, a properly adjusted/stretched pair of Grado phones are very comfy for many hours.

2) If the pads are itchy (this varies from person to person), you can accelerate their break-in comfort by washing them with mild dish soap, and then towel drying them and then letting the air dry completely. New pads don't bother me, and I prefer to let my skin oils break them in naturally over time with use.

3) Don't neglect pad rolling. One of the coolest features of a Grado phone is that you can change their sound characteristics (often dramatically) by trying out different pads in different configurations (reversed, etc). My personal favorite pad configurations: Flats with solid state amplification, Bowls with tube amplification.

4) Don't make any critical judgments on the sound until you burn them in for ~50ish hours or so. Some prefer to play music or static or frequency sweeps through them while stuffed under a pillow, but I prefer to listen to them with music as they break in.

5) If you end up liking them as much as I suspect you will, be prepared to start saving up for your inevitable purchase of a pair of RS-1s and a MAD Ear+ Purist HD amplifier.

6) Have fun.

7) See 5 & 6.

Jun 18, 2007 at 5:06 AM Post #5 of 43
I would suggest taking it out for a nice romantic dinner at a upscale 5 star restaurant. Buy the best champagne to celebrate the evening and chat for awhile. Remember to buy her flowers, because all new headphones love flowers. See what you two have in common, joke around and flirt a bit, I'm sure you'll find you two enjoy many of the same things. Afterwards, perhaps a nice romantic walk and then back to the house.

Here I would listen to Gsurge, and light some nice sensual candles. Perhaps play some Sufjan to show your sensitive side and display your pretentious listening tastes. And then perhaps after some small talk, and if you're lucky enough, maybe you'll get to take her out of her packaging.
Then plug them in and enjoy the headphones!

But in all seriousness, lmilhan definitely has it right, especially stretching out the headband. I found my grados way too uncomfortable when I first got them, but I then adjusted the headband so there was less pressure on my ears and voila!! I'm sure you'll enjoy them especially based on your listening tastes which are very very identical to mine, and I love my SR-60's!!!
Jun 18, 2007 at 5:15 AM Post #6 of 43
Find yourself some older rock that has a bit of dynamic range. Most of the newer stuff will just be nonstop loudness, and it shows on the SR225's. The newer stuff will still sound great, but the older stuff will sound much more dynamic.

The SR225's don't come with an adapter. Here's the one you'll want, don't settle for the run of the mill ones that put great strain on the 1/8" jack:

Enjoy, SR225's are my favorite!
Jun 18, 2007 at 5:24 AM Post #7 of 43
I will go ahead and agree with the ones above me and say let them break in before any judgement.You would be surprised how the sound can change because one day they will just open up and you will either say i hate them or begin thinking up the ladder.

You kind of remind me when i got my first Grado which was in fact a sr-225.Even today i really miss that can since i never got the chance to try out different pads before selling them.

Good luck.
Jun 18, 2007 at 5:34 AM Post #9 of 43
Nice music taste there, descendents. That new Battles album is particularly choice, and sounds absolutely amazing on my MS-1, so I'm sure you'll be enjoying it on your new Grado.

If your ears are shaped anything like mine, you'll find the bowls exceedingly uncomfortable, because they cause the outer ridge of your ear to sit directly on the sandpaper-like driver screen. If you have this problem, I recommend getting a pair of smaller earpad type pads (I used px-100 pads) and putting those on, then putting the bowls on over them. It costs you a bit of detail on the highs, but is infinitely more comfortable, and still sounds quite good. Good luck and enjoy!!
Jun 18, 2007 at 5:50 AM Post #11 of 43
my first cans of grados as well..get the flats..and maybe some hd414'll have a wide variety of sound signature
Jun 18, 2007 at 6:05 AM Post #12 of 43
Rats! I got to this thread too late! Everybody has already said all the important stuff!

I will agree that yes; my MS-1 and MS2i took a fair amount of time to settle in and sound "right." I think a fair component of that time was also in a bit of "brain" burn in as well. It does take some time to listen to them and get used to the sound a while before making a judgment too..

And the band. Ah yes, the band. It took me a good solid five tries to get my band adjusted just right on the MS-1. Of course I was doing some pad rolling at the same time, so that didn't help with the adjustment. On my MS2i I think I did about three tries before I got it right.

....three tries instead of five...I CAN be trained!!

Comfort does have a lot to do with the pads and band adjustment, but I agree, the pads do get better with time. My heavier MS2i with bowls can be worn almost without limit. Ok; I don't have an extension cord that will reach the bathroom, but I suppose if I did....

But even right after I got them I managed to get in a fourteen hour listening marathon just looking for new stuff in all my older CDs! And they're much more comfortable today, nine months later! I just let the ear oils break them in.

....I draw the line at accelerating the pad break-in process by wearing them with sweaty ears.....Yuck! Yeah, I try to only wear them with clean ears, and I try to check the pads at least daily for any loose hairs which may find themselves stuck in the pads. Never had the "Grattle" don't wanna get it!

And try not to touch the painted letters! Mine are not a problem so far, but some folks.....

And mind the cables! The housings spin round and round and they can get all goofy if given a chance!

And please be careful. Rumor does have it that an Upgraditus bug is often shipped with the cans, hiding in the Pizza Box. bit me.
Jun 18, 2007 at 6:58 AM Post #13 of 43
personally I like to get a hint of whats to come by listening to them a little out of the box, then procede to torturing myself by letting them burn in with pink noise for a day or two. The changes plus anticipation make for a very exciting first good listen. Pick your favorite song with lots of electic guitar. Enjoy
Jun 18, 2007 at 8:25 AM Post #15 of 43
srv for sure... i wish i still had some grados. i had the 225s but i only kept them for a couple months. i've since learned that the ad8620 opamp i was using to drive them wasn't probably a good match, might have sounded better to me straight out of my receiver as the treble fatigued the living crap out of me. live and learn i s'pose. happy listening to you though, i'm sure you'll like em.

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