whether or not one should or shouldn't get a prenupt is interesting when one considers the interesting trend i've noticed in my relatively short life:
it seems that 99% of all long term relationships end in a really, really, sour/bitter way...due to various reasons of course, that's not the issue. Though it is quite often that one person did something really bad/unforgiveable to the other person involved, and that single act spawns the entire ****-cascade and the split/divorce becomes very irrational.
In other words, there's a striking and unexpected contrast in the way a couple treats each other when comparing pictures and life situations of couples before/during marriage....and years later when things turn for the worst. Going from happy love birds that can't get enough of each other to bickering ex's that loathe each other's presence. The thing that always seems common is that during breakups people never give each other the same respect and courtesy they so cherished from each other during the relationship, which ironically was one of, if not the major reason they got married to begin with.....hippocrates in essence. In addition the whole complete 180 in the way they treat each other is never anticipated before/during the marriage. "nooo, she'd never do that to me, that's crazy to even think that"...
Then there's the 1% where people actually maintain that respect and courtesy and simply go their separate ways in a sensible manner....perhaps even maintaining a friendship...but that definitely seems to be the exception rather than the rule.
This trend definitely makes me wonder about doing one....but then again if i make everything with her....kinda useless i guess...i'm no expert.