Pre-order the new Effect Audio Centurion and receive an exclusive MusicTeck gift!
Jul 21, 2021 at 8:40 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 27


Sponsor: MusicTeck
Oct 26, 2015
New Jersey


Regular and Black Gold Limited Editions Available.

All Effect Audio Flagship Centurion orders will be shipped with a unique MusicTeck gift.

Don't like surprises? Don't worry. We know that it's a big purchase so email us today at to inquire for more details.
MusicTeck Stay updated on MusicTeck at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 21, 2021 at 3:43 PM Post #2 of 27
Price? Oh gad I shouldn’t have asked - comes with free mail in bride?
Jul 22, 2021 at 6:22 AM Post #4 of 27
4000$ for just an In Ear Cable? Arent you ashamed?
Unfortunately, some people will buy it, allowing this pricing range to exist. It's only a matter of time before a 5k cable is available. I'm curious as to how much this cable cost to make; the markup is most likely astronomical...
Jul 22, 2021 at 6:28 AM Post #5 of 27
Unfortunately, some people will buy it, allowing this pricing range to exist. It's only a matter of time before a 5k cable is available. I'm curious as to how much this cable cost to make; the markup is most likely astronomical...
It dosent should allowed to be advertised on this side
Jul 22, 2021 at 7:51 AM Post #6 of 27
This is a strange advertisement - I think. Why would one need to sweeten this deal with a special gift? Either this cable just cost 4000$ and that is its price or just lower the markup and its original price. Giving a free gift just sends out a signal that this cable is way overpriced in the first place which I hope it is because 4000$ for an inear cable - 😮
Jul 22, 2021 at 8:11 AM Post #7 of 27
It dosent should allowed to be advertised on this side
Why exactly? Because you don't like it? Or is it because it's more expensive than what you have determined shall be the upper limit of pricing on any new IEM cables brought to market?

The fixation on materials cost is such a misguided and lazy point of view, IMO. Since when did it become what's fair and expected for luxury hifi goods to be priced by their makers based strictly on what the materials cost? No one is complaining or feigning outrage in response to the fact that a gold Rolex watch costs more than the materials used to manufacture it.

Effect Audio has been pushing the envelope with their cable designs for years, and in doing so, they've continued to push the industry forward in a way that never fails to give us even more amazing new products to choose from each year throughout the entire range of prices. If you don't like EA's new flagship cable, maybe you should consider giving one of their entry level cables a try. I think you will discover that EA has something class leading to offer nearly anyone and at any nearly any budget.
Jul 22, 2021 at 8:48 AM Post #8 of 27
With the dimensions of the price, the advantage is that you don't even need to discuss it. Any kind of reasoning or questioning whether this cable is legitimate is part of the problem.

I won't go into it any further, because it keeps this cable in the foreground and thus gets the attention it deserves the least. I just wanted to draw attention to the problem and not leave this thread with the advertising as it is.
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Jul 22, 2021 at 8:59 AM Post #9 of 27
I would be laughing if it had some typical plastic sleeving sticking out of jack termination on a 4k cable. If you buy cable of this kind of caliber tou would expect to have as exclusive with no dyi-y crap in it.

Its a bloody jewelery at this price point. So i must be flawless. It does look good but thats about it.
I do hear a difference in cables but no cable make a 4k difference is sound.

Though if youre loaded, why not make it part of you swagger.

Most of 1k+ cables look like trash from ali, including majority of EA.

If youre paying that difference for anything other than premium look. Then pass. Not sure whats the point of it.

I suppose there is not much competition in this bracket so they habe to sell 100 and shut down until christmas lol.
Jul 22, 2021 at 9:08 AM Post #10 of 27
I would be laughing if it had some typical plastic sleeving sticking out of jack termination on a 4k cable. If you buy cable of this kind of caliber tou would expect to have as exclusive with no dyi-y crap in it.

Its a bloody jewelery at this price point. So i must be flawless. It does look good but thats about it.
I do hear a difference in cables but no cable make a 4k difference is sound.

Though if youre loaded, why not make it part of you swagger.

Most of 1k+ cables look like trash from ali, including majority of EA.

If youre paying that difference for anything other than premium look. Then pass. Not sure whats the point of it.

I suppose there is not much competition in this bracket so they habe to sell 100 and shut down until christmas lol.
But that's the problem right there: I think nearly everyone would agree that if you're buying this cable, you're doing so from an aesthetic rather than functional or even audio-related reason (because, after all, even the greatest cable is only going to make a negligible improvement).

But if you buy this for the "bling" purpose, wouldn't it inspire something more like incredulity rather than admiration? It's one thing to buy a beautiful high-end pair of headphones or a tube amp that both looks and sounds amazing, but a cable doesn't quite have the same allure.
Jul 22, 2021 at 9:14 AM Post #11 of 27
I think nearly everyone would agree that if you're buying this cable, you're doing so from an aesthetic rather than functional or even audio-related reason (because, after all, even the greatest cable is only going to make a negligible improvement).
Except we will get a bunch of reviewers soon enough claiming to hear huge sound improvements and a never before heard level of synergy with every overpriced iem they help to sell.
Jul 22, 2021 at 9:16 AM Post #12 of 27
I'm sold.

Going to sell all my audio gear, and probably motorcycle, and get this cable.

I can save up for something to plug it into over the next few years.

Until then I'll wear it like some cool, bohemian bracelet 😎
Jul 22, 2021 at 9:17 AM Post #13 of 27
Except we will get a bunch of reviewers soon enough claiming to hear huge sound improvements and a never before heard level of synergy with every overpriced iem they help to sell.
That's inevitable, yes. What I would love to read is an honest review of the cable judged on its aesthetic merits without any discussion sound improvements. That I would take seriously and respect more.
Jul 22, 2021 at 11:23 AM Post #14 of 27
Every time a multi-kilobuck cable or IEMs are announced, people get upset, blaming consumers who buy these products and encourage manufacturers to drive prices up. But in a reality, cable brands like EA and PWA offer products in price range from $100 to $4k-$5k; and btw, as an example, EA Centurion msrp is $4k and PWA Orpheus is $4.7k. I’m sure they manufacture and sell cheaper cables in much higher volumes, and upper end stuff in limited volumes. And after every such announcement, I hear that upper end stuff gets sold out within weeks and there is a long waiting line to get it (EA just announced that 1st batch of Centurion pre-orders completely sold out, people have to wait for the 2nd batch). Some people don’t care about diminishing returns and will pay $4k even for 5% improvement because they can afford it. The price envelope is being pushed because there is a demand, often driven by a wealthy audiophiles in Asia who collect high end gear. And manufacturer respond with a supply to meet that demand, while still offering more affordable and great looking cables for the rest of the market.

It’s just part of life. We don’t get upset that Infiniti cost more than Nissan or Lexus cost more than Toyota. Either one will get you from point A to point B, and you can pay $20k or $60k for it depending on what you can afford. Tbh, I would have been more upset if the company only offered high end stuff, pushing it as “a must have” or claiming that buying their $4k cable will turn your $100 IEM into $4.1k flagship. They don’t do that. And if you find a reviewer who claims that, you will be a fool to make a purchasing decision based on that alone. Plus, anybody who visits CanJams and been at tables of EA, Eletech, PWA, etc, will know these guys have a full spread from high to low, and encourage you to bring your favorite IEMs and DAPs with your favorite music to just try and compare and see if you hear the difference.

And yes, I’m one of those reviewers who will write about it. But don’t expect to read from me about night and day difference, and I will not encourage you to take a 2nd mortgage on your house to buy a cable that cost 2x more than your IEMs. As I mentioned above, if its eye-watering price makes you really upset, EA has Vogues series cables starting at $99 that are also great. Centurion is a cable aimed at those who already invested into Traillii, Mason FS, Erlkonig, and other premium $4k-$6k IEMs.
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Jul 22, 2021 at 11:28 AM Post #15 of 27
What I would love to read is an honest review of the cable judged on its aesthetic merits without any discussion sound improvements. That I would take seriously and respect more.
An honest review will not get enough clicks, ad revenue, not to mention more free stuff from the manufacturers they are friendly with, because it will be along the lines:
"This cable sounds just like any other cable i've tried, +/- minor FR changes with more sensitive iems due to the slightly different impedance. The end."

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