Feb 28, 2010 at 8:35 PM Post #6,496 of 9,811

Originally Posted by naamanf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not that I know anything of car audio.

What about helicopter audio?
Mar 1, 2010 at 12:05 AM Post #6,498 of 9,811
Won't you pick up hum from the mains because AC is time dependent, and thus generates a fluctuating magnetic field? AC is sinusoidal, so it will produce an oscillating magnetic field that could inductively alter nearby conductors ... maybe?

edit: Woops, I just restated what everyone said.
Mar 1, 2010 at 12:42 AM Post #6,499 of 9,811

Originally Posted by cegras /img/forum/go_quote.gif
edit: Woops, I just restated what everyone said.

Yeah, nobody's argued against keeping signal wires well away from the AC power wires. The real point of this whole discussion is that one doesn't need to go and redo their casework or wiring just because the signal wires happen to come near the DC power wiring.
Mar 1, 2010 at 5:29 AM Post #6,500 of 9,811
Assorted things; a PPAv2, an σ11, Funch's old EHHA, a γ2, a mini3, a VFD clock... On my bent overloaded night stand.

My hacked up Stax SR-Gamma's with a headband from a pair of Peltor safety earmuffs. Actually, they're incredibly comfortable, though the SRD-6/SB has volume wobble that makes me crazy. A KGSS is in my future...

The insides of the PPAv2. I drilled the panels using my company's drill press. I should slap one of their CPU stickers on it just for fun, though I'm not sure they'd approve. Or maybe a GPU sticker, as those have audio processing stuff on board now.

The insides of the PPAv2 again! The back panel is fully removable. The front panel basically isn't. That's navships wire in there; the cases are Hammond's and the caps are Okay-Brand-I-Forgot. Gain is set to 11 for my AKG K340's. There's electrical tape covering the hole I drilled for a bass boost pot but decided not to install after I liked the sound without it.

I like this thread because there are lots of pictures and not a lot of off topic discussion. I think I like Fitz' sort-of-off-topic photos though - "Post pics of your builds and of science...."

Does asking a girl to marry you count as a DIY project? Probably not in the context of Head-Fi, but hopefully there will be some little hacker/audiophiles in our future :-) It's really hard to type "engaged" when you read Engadget at work and don't keep it bookmarked!

Mar 1, 2010 at 5:40 AM Post #6,501 of 9,811
Relcap RTE and Multicap RTX replacing the Multicap PPFMX caps in my Assemblagee DAC 2.7

OPA2227 replacing OPA604 for servo and also OPA627 by the same chip in I/V role. Replaced OPA627 with AD797 in output buffer and filter role.

Mar 1, 2010 at 12:29 PM Post #6,502 of 9,811
pics of my new dac, a groupbuy from DIY audio for the pcbs.

It is an ad1865nk dac, passive IV by a texas component 200r nude foil resistor, signal amplified by tube stage (5687), regulated dc heaters, regulated B+. I am going to mod the tube stage, LED bias and anode css. I am also very tempted to go with a completely new stage based on the 6n6p.


Front panel is not done yet, but it will match this pass B1 r2r preamp


Mar 1, 2010 at 9:53 PM Post #6,503 of 9,811
That looks awesome. Where can I find more information about that DIY preamp? It looks great.
Mar 1, 2010 at 10:04 PM Post #6,504 of 9,811
Its a bit fo a mishmash project.

DC coupled pass B1 buffer here: Building a symmetrical psu B1 buffer - diyAudio
There are still pcbs available in the group buy

Attenuator was designed by a guy on diyaudio forums called bbp. I just bought the unit from him including the display. Linuxworks looks to be doing something more elaborate in the lcduino thread.

front panel was designed by me in Front panel express, or Shaeffer as its known in europe.
Mar 1, 2010 at 10:11 PM Post #6,506 of 9,811
My Gamma2 DAC, built as an upgrade to my existing Gamma1 that I posted here. It is a fairly standard build with WM8741, OPA2365, SRC4192, Crystek oscillator and Muse ES capacitors. But I didn't want filter or clipping switches, nor the USB-to-SPDIF functions and I prefer silver casing...... so instead of using AMB's panel set I designed my own based on AMB's dimensions, and I really like how it turned out.





Thanks for looking!
Last edited:
Mar 1, 2010 at 10:25 PM Post #6,508 of 9,811

Originally Posted by Beefy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My Gamma2 DAC, built as an upgrade to my But I didn't want filter or clipping switches, nor the USB-to-SPDIF functions and I prefer silver casing...... so instead of using AMB's panel set I designed my own based on AMB's dimensions, and I really like how it turned out.

Sweet! Where did order those from and how much did it cost, or did you make those yourself?

I ordered panels from Amb for full configuration, but I'm tempted to make few lite versions for friends and would need neat panels for them thus needing similar panels than you 8)
Mar 1, 2010 at 10:32 PM Post #6,509 of 9,811

Originally Posted by jarpatus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sweet! Where did order those from and how much did it cost, or did you make those yourself?

Thanks! Not nearly talented enough to do them myself, so I ordered them from Front Panel Express. Cost for both was $54.24 - the infill engraving really does cost a pretty penny, but was well worth it for me.

Might be worth getting a price from Cam Expert as well.
Mar 1, 2010 at 10:58 PM Post #6,510 of 9,811
Technically a 'build', just in SW and not in real life.



Will fit on the Galaxy series of cases...10mm panel from Hifi 2000. Will contain a chipamp, made to fit the Alps RK27 pot, the 29mm knob from Hifi-2000, standard M4 socket cap screws, and a 5mm LED (will only show a fraction of that on the front panel).

Anyone know if FPE/any other front panel services will accept SW files or will I need to export to DXF/DWG?


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