Assorted things; a PPAv2, an σ11, Funch's old EHHA, a γ2, a mini3, a VFD clock... On my bent overloaded night stand.
My hacked up Stax SR-Gamma's with a headband from a pair of Peltor safety earmuffs. Actually, they're incredibly comfortable, though the SRD-6/SB has volume wobble that makes me crazy. A KGSS is in my future...
The insides of the PPAv2. I drilled the panels using my company's drill press. I should slap one of their CPU stickers on it just for fun, though I'm not sure they'd approve. Or maybe a GPU sticker, as those have audio processing stuff on board now.
The insides of the PPAv2 again! The back panel is fully removable. The front panel basically isn't. That's navships wire in there; the cases are Hammond's and the caps are Okay-Brand-I-Forgot. Gain is set to 11 for my AKG K340's. There's electrical tape covering the hole I drilled for a bass boost pot but decided not to install after I liked the sound without it.
I like this thread because there are lots of pictures and not a lot of off topic discussion. I think I like Fitz' sort-of-off-topic photos though - "Post pics of your builds and of science...."
Does asking a girl to marry you count as a DIY project? Probably not in the context of Head-Fi, but hopefully there will be some little hacker/audiophiles in our future

It's really hard to type "engaged" when you read Engadget at work and don't keep it bookmarked!