Possibly looking for new custom IEM to replace Westone ES3X

Apr 2, 2012 at 6:54 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


Jun 25, 2009
I was wondering if any of head-fi's more experienced users might help me determine a good upgrade if I would decide to sell my Westone ES3X's and buy a new custom IEM. I'd like to stay within $1200 if possible. A couple notes:
- I like the comfort of my Westone's and I feel like I would have a hard time adjusting to anything less comfortable.
- I like the ES3X's but one thing I wasn't fond of was that the midrange seemed too forward and it was slightly fatiguing at times. Also seemed like it lacked a bit of bass punch but that could have something to do with the mids being forward. A bit hard to describe what I don't like so I apologize.
- A good upgrade would probably be more balanced, have to be un-fatiguing while not necessarily dull, and it'd be great if it was more generous with older/harsher recordings while not necessarily being too veiled or non-detailed. Again, a hard part to describe.
- I haven't seen any comparisons between the ES3X and ES5 - has anyone tried both of these and could compare them?
- How might new cables such as something from Whiplash improve things if anyone has used them for the ES3X?
For reference, I use these with either my iPhone 4S unamped or with a computer based setup using a Meier Corda 2Stepdance and listen primarily to a variety of pop/rock/hip-hip/jazz music.
Apr 5, 2012 at 5:43 PM Post #3 of 7

I was wondering if any of head-fi's more experienced users might help me determine a good upgrade if I would decide to sell my Westone ES3X's and buy a new custom IEM. I'd like to stay within $1200 if possible. A couple notes:
- I like the comfort of my Westone's and I feel like I would have a hard time adjusting to anything less comfortable.
- I like the ES3X's but one thing I wasn't fond of was that the midrange seemed too forward and it was slightly fatiguing at times. Also seemed like it lacked a bit of bass punch but that could have something to do with the mids being forward. A bit hard to describe what I don't like so I apologize.
- A good upgrade would probably be more balanced, have to be un-fatiguing while not necessarily dull, and it'd be great if it was more generous with older/harsher recordings while not necessarily being too veiled or non-detailed. Again, a hard part to describe.
- I haven't seen any comparisons between the ES3X and ES5 - has anyone tried both of these and could compare them?
- How might new cables such as something from Whiplash improve things if anyone has used them for the ES3X?
For reference, I use these with either my iPhone 4S unamped or with a computer based setup using a Meier Corda 2Stepdance and listen primarily to a variety of pop/rock/hip-hip/jazz music.

HeadphoneAddict is one of the very few --if not the only one-- who owns both ES3X & ES5 (he also has other custom IEMs [JH13, UE11], different amps, cables and a few full-sized phones).
Apr 5, 2012 at 10:35 PM Post #4 of 7
The JH13Pro, UM Miracle, UERM are recommended for more balaced sound without missing bass punch.
Apr 5, 2012 at 11:24 PM Post #5 of 7

I was wondering if any of head-fi's more experienced users might help me determine a good upgrade if I would decide to sell my Westone ES3X's and buy a new custom IEM. I'd like to stay within $1200 if possible. A couple notes:
- I like the comfort of my Westone's and I feel like I would have a hard time adjusting to anything less comfortable.
- I like the ES3X's but one thing I wasn't fond of was that the midrange seemed too forward and it was slightly fatiguing at times. Also seemed like it lacked a bit of bass punch but that could have something to do with the mids being forward. A bit hard to describe what I don't like so I apologize.
- A good upgrade would probably be more balanced, have to be un-fatiguing while not necessarily dull, and it'd be great if it was more generous with older/harsher recordings while not necessarily being too veiled or non-detailed. Again, a hard part to describe.
- I haven't seen any comparisons between the ES3X and ES5 - has anyone tried both of these and could compare them?
- How might new cables such as something from Whiplash improve things if anyone has used them for the ES3X?
For reference, I use these with either my iPhone 4S unamped or with a computer based setup using a Meier Corda 2Stepdance and listen primarily to a variety of pop/rock/hip-hip/jazz music.

The ES5 would be a great upgrade.
Apr 8, 2012 at 2:03 AM Post #6 of 7
My ES3X and ES5 impressions are here http://www.head-fi.org/t/495931/westone-es5/1245#post_7330188
The ES3X remind me a bit of my HD800, and the ES5 feel more like a combination of HiFiMan HE-6 and Stax SR-009 = the bass punch and depth of the HE-6 and it's silky smooth treble plus the mids, air, ambience, micro-detail, transparency and speed of the Stax.

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