Please Help To Choose Monitoring Headphones

Dec 27, 2009 at 6:48 PM Post #32 of 40
I have this soundcard ESI - Juli@

and my mixer specs=>

Input & output Impedances:
Mic input 2kΩ
Line input >10kΩ
Hi-Z input >300kΩ
Stereo input 47kΩ
Outputs 75Ω

Input & output levels:
Mic input max level +16dBu
Line input max level +30dBu
Stereo input max level +20dBu
Mix output max level +20dBu
Headphones (@ 200Ω) 300mW

is this enough power for AKG K702, which have:
Rated impedance62 ohms
Max. input power200 mW
Dec 27, 2009 at 11:09 PM Post #34 of 40

Originally Posted by wavoman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
For the same reason Senn discontinued the Orpheus.

Engineers and musicians create; accountants decide.

True. The 240DF is a classic and should still be made today.
Dec 27, 2009 at 11:13 PM Post #35 of 40

Originally Posted by lejaz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I had a feeling you might say that. I'm using the 240DF for the main mixing duties on my CD right now, so I'll most likely stick with it. Nothing else I've heard can really compare...including several headphones that are considered 'flat' studio monitors.

Yeah.. You already knew the anwser. The 240DF along with a few other studio monitoring headphones are as flat as they come. Never tried the 240DF, but the original NAGRA DT48 Silver is really flat.
Dec 28, 2009 at 6:54 AM Post #36 of 40

Originally Posted by ps1Locybe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also for making it clear I want the headphones for making music, not for listening to music.

THe DT250 are such a phone. Unlike many monitors, they actually sound damn fine for listening to. It's good value double duty.

While there are neutral phones out there, that's really only in comparo to highly coloured ones; a truly flat response phone does not exist.


Originally Posted by Acix /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ps1Locybe, from your spec looks like ESI will be enough to power the AKG K702.

No way. There is not a soundcard out there that will cut it with the AKG. AS nearly everyone knows, the AKG is one of those strange phnoe with low impedance, that are absolute pigs to drive. Their low sensitivity coms into play as well, that why they need voltage. Specs are misleading. Just because a card may be able to handle a particular load, has nothing to do with how it will perform with that load constantly, as opposed to occasionally. Not only that, handling load has nothing to do with putting out the necessary power.

People have to stop trusting specs as true indicators. There are other variables to consider. Those AKG need a dedicated headphone amp with power. Period.
Dec 28, 2009 at 7:00 AM Post #37 of 40
Note: QES Labs in Italy makes a headphone amp specifically designed for ruler-flat response and 600-ohm phones. It is perfect with the K240DF's (after they have been re-cabled/balanced, since the amp is balanced).

Val, the owner and designer at QES Labs, is great. He made me a dual version that drives a pair of (balanced) K240DF's so you and a mate can listen and judge at the same time.
Dec 28, 2009 at 7:50 AM Post #38 of 40

Originally Posted by Drubbing /img/forum/go_quote.gif

While there are neutral phones out there, that's really only in comparo to highly coloured ones; a truly flat response phone does not exist.

No way. There is not a soundcard out there that will cut it with the AKG. AS nearly everyone knows, the AKG is one of those strange phnoe with low impedance, that are absolute pigs to drive. Their low sensitivity coms into play as well, that why they need voltage. Specs are misleading. Just because a card may be able to handle a particular load, has nothing to do with how it will perform with that load constantly, as opposed to occasionally. Not only that, handling load has nothing to do with putting out the necessary power.

People have to stop trusting specs as true indicators. There are other variables to consider. Those AKG need a dedicated headphone amp with power. Period.

Some of the sound card can amp the K701/2 very well, but not as the SPL's or the Luxman's ($2K).
BTW, some hps are very flat FR, like the 48S, Monitor 10, and K240DF. The K701/2 are not so flat, but very balanced
Dec 29, 2009 at 6:55 AM Post #40 of 40

Originally Posted by kool bubba ice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Why can't a headphone have a truly flat response?

Because it's technically and mathematically impossible to engineer.

If a phone were truly 'ruler flat' in its response, it would treat all recorded sound equally, and impose no will of its own on the sound whatsoever. No phone or speaker exists that can do that. Exceptionally good ones can get close, but 'flat' across the 20hz-20khz spectrum doesn't exist.

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