Pitchfork's top 100 albums of the '80's...
Nov 30, 2002 at 6:26 AM Post #17 of 35
You're right. GnR was on there, I just missed it.

But I think AC/DC should have been on it too.
Nov 30, 2002 at 9:58 AM Post #18 of 35
i love tears for fears. i have noticed that some of the albums don't sound so great, but i've got a mo-fi remaster of songs from the big chair, and it sounds absolutely stunning.

and as a synthpop fan there definitely needs to be some depeche mode. i'd vote for black celebration.

it is good to see the smiths and the cure made the list.
Nov 30, 2002 at 11:42 AM Post #19 of 35
I have some big problems with that list (I came across it last week). In the top ten slot are three albums by people that I love, but I think each of the three are far from their best works. The Beastie Boys Paul's Boutique, I think is the Beasties' worst album of the period. Tom Wait's "Rain Dogs" I also find the most wearying and pretentious of his albums and I'm sure REM put out better albums than "Murmur" during the 80s. Also, I'm not sure when Public Enemies' "Fear of a Black Planet" made its appearance (very end of the 80s?) but as much as I liked "It takes a Nation of Millions to hold us back", I think, in a million ways, Fear of a BP" blows it away. If I'm wrong about the date on that one - I stand corrected.
Nov 30, 2002 at 12:55 PM Post #20 of 35

Originally posted by radrd
You're right. GnR was on there, I just missed it.

But I think AC/DC should have been on it too.

Yes they wisely had GnR "appetite" listed near the end of the list,
I was going to list AC/DC as on ommission and you are right "back in black" was 1980 but most of their prime work was in the 1970's so I let them slide (same comment for Judas Priest, Clash etc)

I gather from Pitchfork's list they are really impressed with:
-Sonic Youth
-Elvis Costello (this really puzzles me, not his best CDs listed)
These all get three mentions each.

Personally I really like Pixies and REM and have no problem with 3 picks each, I would remove Elvis Costello completely or just 1 entry..... his prime work was really in late 1970's. Remaining groups on above list may get one entry but no more, too many other deserving candidates from my "MIA" list above need in.
Nov 30, 2002 at 10:29 PM Post #21 of 35
I really enjoyed looking at the list; I became aware of some music I had never heard of (like the Eno/Byrne CD) and I was gratified to see a few of my own personal favorites make it (Dukes of Stratosphear).

It seems like they took no particular tack in trying to boil down the top 100, this is simply a list of each reviewers personal favorites, regardless of genre or of the general opinion of music listeners. I imagine if we came up with a top 100 list of 80's music, it would look pretty bizarre to others, too.
Dec 1, 2002 at 4:17 AM Post #22 of 35
You gotta be kidding me! There are so many great albums that where not on this list; I want to puke!
Albums on this list that need a serious bump up in rank:
The Police - Synchronicity- Forget the "80s" this is one of the greatest albums in music history.
Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction - #59 Yeah, O.K. whatever!
Beastie Boys - License To ILL - Look at all the **** that ended up ranked higher?

Micheal Jackson - Thriller - Whether you like it, or not this has to be at least in the top 5.
Prince & The Revolution - Purple Rain - You would have to be deaf not to put this one in the top 10 of all time, yet the top 12 of the "80s".
Dec 1, 2002 at 4:41 AM Post #23 of 35

Originally posted by markl
Do you mean "Crazy Rhythms"? That album RULES. I've posted here about it previously.


As does the next couple they did for A&M. Technically, didn't "Crazy Rhythms" come out before 1980? I remember that it came out in England first on Stiff Records (I actually had a copy).

The list can't be all bad if it has three Replacements, db's, Young Marble Giants, and Hüsker Dü.
Dec 1, 2002 at 2:26 PM Post #24 of 35
I guess the reason many important Albums/Groups of the 1980's are not even mentioned in the Pitchfork list is because they focus on alternative/indie groups with almost no recognition given to other important styles of music.

I can think of no other reason why the almost complete absence of hard rock/heavy metal from this list..........I hope it not the case that this group of reviewers is elitist/foolish enough to think that alternitive music is on a higher plane vs other styles rendering them unimportant...........perhaps Mark will let us know
Dec 1, 2002 at 8:54 PM Post #25 of 35
I actually think that is a decent list!

It mentioned X-Los Angeles, therefore it can't be all bad. Cmon Darkangel... they mentioned Appetite for Destruction!! Even I like that album. I suppose they could've added the Number of the Beast somewhere along the line.

I mean... they didn't mention very much punk or post-punk either, and totally neglected the cure and siouxsie. They didn't even put in Duran Duran!!!!!
Dec 1, 2002 at 9:15 PM Post #26 of 35
No Ozzy Osbourne??!!!
Blasphemy I tell you, blasphemy!! How could they miss Blizzard of Oz and Diary of a Madman? In general I found the complete lack of metal highly distressing, no Ozzy, no Metallica, no Iron Maiden, nothing, what's going on over there?
Dec 1, 2002 at 9:36 PM Post #27 of 35

Originally posted by aerius
No Ozzy Osbourne??!!!
Blasphemy I tell you, blasphemy!! How could they miss Blizzard of Oz and Diary of a Madman? In general I found the complete lack of metal highly distressing, no Ozzy, no Metallica, no Iron Maiden, nothing, what's going on over there?

Yep, the 1980's is the golden age of metal which Pitchfork completely ignores except for a "token" listing
of GnR "appetite" actually @10% of the list should be metal IMO.
I think these guys need to unbutton thier shirts a bit.

Look a little closer and you will find new wave dandies Duran Duran and the much better Cure in the list.
Dec 2, 2002 at 12:51 AM Post #28 of 35
I don't think it's such a big deal that Pitchfork doesn't have much metal. Yes, their favorite records are indie and alternative, so that's what ends up on the list. They're not exactly "ignoring" metal, they're just biased, but so if everyone so who cares? Besides, no list will please everyone.
Dec 2, 2002 at 1:21 AM Post #29 of 35

Originally posted by DarkAngel

Look a little closer and you will find new wave dandies Duran Duran and the much better Cure in the list.

Ahh... gotchya... i must've perused that list too fast.

And damn!!!! The only duran duran song i reall like is "the chauffer"

That song fookin rules~!
Dec 2, 2002 at 3:40 AM Post #30 of 35
That is a pretty good list. However, I can't believe they did not have anything by the Church. The Church had two or three albums steller albums out in the 80s. Their Starfish album did great on all the charts, but The Blurred Crusade and Heyday were hailed by the critics too.

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