Firstly these have not been used much, very fresh out of the box and no doubt these stiff drivers will require some burn-in. Also the below is using the pleather pads, out of the box they are fitted with velour but include the pleather.
They are very reference like in their presentation with very tight and fast lows with excellent transient response but maybe too little in quantity for some tastes, they extend right down to the sub-bass with ease and linearity.
The mid range is detailed and a bit on the dry side, but also have a bit of a peak in the upper mid range that can induce a little fatigue.
The highs are slightly behind the mid-range in terms of presence, but they are very clear, and with Jazz all the technicalities are easily heard and distinguished.
I found they work best with well mastered music, as they have a habit of being quite revealing and unforgiving of bad recordings.
Most of the rock music I listen to sounds a little mediocre, but I stuck on some well recorded jazz and the double bass is propping up the piano, with the cymbals in the background and the soundstage has excellent height, and good width too, sounding more open than closed.
Classical and jazz excel with the separation being a strong point.
Trying to compare them is hard, as I mainly have open headphones on hand, but the only model I suppose they could be compared to is the Beyerdynamic T50p 2nd generation which also have a very open sound, but they have a more engaging and up beat sound, with more bass presence, but are not as good at picking apart the recording.
Lets let these burn-in for a bit now