Mar 22, 2013 at 6:19 PM Post #91 of 3,060
Colorfly C3 > SMSL W3 Cable (Modded) > FiiO E11 > DIY Headphone Cable > Monoprice 8323's (The Budget-Fi King's)


Hey, I was thinking of picking up the 8323's and I was just wondering how they compare to the likes of the M50/Denon AH-D1100?
Will post my budget rig tomorrow ^_^
They are a great kick around can for $20 I have not heard either of those other two headphones, but for the price of the 8323's they do sound good. :)

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Mar 23, 2013 at 12:59 AM Post #92 of 3,060

My budget-fi! Sansa clip+ (32Gb full of FLAC) and my lovely UM3X iem's which I picked up for a modest $300! Totals to $350, which definitely fits budget-fi. no fancy-shmancy dacs or amps or daps, just stunning sound coming from a simple, clean source. Makes my studies enjoyable - for the most part...
Mar 23, 2013 at 6:51 AM Post #93 of 3,060
Nice to see everyone's budget-fi rigs! Here's mine. All for 200$.

It was either all of these or just the Beats Solo HD.

Mar 23, 2013 at 7:10 AM Post #94 of 3,060

Sansa Clip+ filled with JAZZ in FLAC, Cmoy amp from Zigis Audio Lab with LM4562 opamp and my favourite IEM`s Creative EP-630 :)
Mar 24, 2013 at 2:57 AM Post #95 of 3,060
"Carbon Shuffle"
iPod Shuffle 4th Generation + XKDUN CK700 
Here is my small portable budget rig that I am able to use when I'm justt out and about, and don't want to carry something with a big price tag:)


Mar 26, 2013 at 12:40 AM Post #96 of 3,060
Nice to see everyone's budget-fi rigs! Here's mine. All for 200$.

It was either all of these or just the Beats Solo HD.

Jeez man.. why are you so nicely organized. What do you use? rubber bands? zip ties? magical genies?

Here's my $130 rig that I use for my long bike rides. UE6000 & Clip+

and here's my ShoHailXTR rig.. I bring pretty much everything with me too.. but... 

4 buds, 2 IEMs, bluetooth, usb links, iem tips. 
I think I'm going to start rubber banding things nicely.. =\ 
Mar 26, 2013 at 2:33 AM Post #97 of 3,060
Jeez man.. why are you so nicely organized. What do you use? rubber bands? zip ties? magical genies?

Here's my $130 rig that I use for my long bike rides. UE6000 & Clip+
and here's my ShoHailXTR rig.. I bring pretty much everything with me too.. but... 

4 buds, 2 IEMs, bluetooth, usb links, iem tips. 
I think I'm going to start rubber banding things nicely.. =\ 

hahaha, I was gonna say magical genies but lol Zip ties (that came with the cables/wires themselves) make more sense :P
Your rig is fantastic, I think in the near future I'm gonna go with the Clip line too. And that UE6000 looks so damn good!

Looks like your buds need some ties/bands. I don't use my buds (Sony MDR-E829V) that much but they did come with a nice winding case. I'd suggest a pelican case for you, its sturdy and it'll protect everything. Or you could get small IEM/earbud cases.
Mar 27, 2013 at 7:05 PM Post #103 of 3,060
Yes indeed! JVC HA-S500-Z's

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Mar 27, 2013 at 7:46 PM Post #105 of 3,060
$56 from buyfromjapan on eBay no tax no duty... 3 weeks to get them with standard shipping.

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Tapatalk 2

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