Phony craiglist ad leads to looting

Mar 27, 2008 at 2:10 AM Post #16 of 39

Originally Posted by marvin /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Different ball game in Texas, but it doesn't change the situation. Use of force to protect property, up to and including deadly force, is allowable if the person believes it is necessary to prevent the theft of property. The threat of deadly force (e.g. pointing a gun) is considered a use of force and could be allowable under the above. Either way though, as the farmer was able to stop the theft by just talking to them, the use of force would not have been justified. But given that it is Texas, no one would blame him if he told them to leave at gunpoint.

would be better living in texas then
Mar 27, 2008 at 3:11 AM Post #17 of 39
lots of silly non sense posts to this thread. This would really stink if this happened to any of those whom posted here I expect, and a real problem it would seem on CL these days.
Sad is more like it, not worthy of jokes as I see it, nonetheless..
This could happen to anyone.
Mar 27, 2008 at 3:30 AM Post #18 of 39

Originally Posted by marvin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Either way though, as the farmer was able to stop the theft by just talking to them, the use of force would not have been justified. But given that it is Texas, no one would blame him if he told them to leave at gunpoint.

Ah.. from the quote it seemed like they didn't give the stuff back. Bad assumption
Mar 27, 2008 at 4:26 AM Post #19 of 39

Originally Posted by Audiofiler /img/forum/go_quote.gif
lots of silly non sense posts to this thread. This would really stink if this happened to any of those whom posted here I expect, and a real problem it would seem on CL these days.
Sad is more like it, not worthy of jokes as I see it, nonetheless..
This could happen to anyone.

All jokes, aside, I really would have a gun if I saw this happening, I'd rather go to jail for 6 months for pointing a gun at someone than potentially lose thousands of dollars of property.
Mar 27, 2008 at 8:01 AM Post #22 of 39
sick sick. i cannot believe that people completely ignore direct contact with an owner and take these internet esp craigslist (of all places) advert to mean free stuff. i don't like guns, but they deserve to be shot - especially in usa where they are impeaching on the owners own freedoms - of all the things to impeach upon.

i am now quite sure i mean impede!
Mar 27, 2008 at 9:00 AM Post #23 of 39

Originally Posted by JGP08 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Or the farmer could have trained his animals to beat the intruders into mush. The horse could have probably given half of those people a concussion with a few well-aimed kicks.

Very true. Someone at my high school whom I didn't know, but who apparently had a problem with a good day my horse and I had at a local show, decided to try to steal her.

It didn't go well for the girl. My horse had good manners but figured out something was badly wrong. Not surprising for an Arabian. Luckily she (the girl) was too scared to do anything until the cops arrived. She had some nasty bite marks and bruises. I didn't notice what was going on when I drove in from school. It was when I looked out into the pasture from the kitchen window that I saw some aftermath of a girl with bruises looking scared, and my horse's halter on the ground (I guess she tried to put it on?), and my horse tossing her head and pawing the ground and snorting. She never paws the ground. The girl was outside the gate at that point. I called the cops, but didn't think they'd get there in time and then bolted for the pasture gate.

And all from a horse who wanted the friendly visitors in the black uniforms to pet her. I can't speak for other breeds, but Arabians just know what's what.

So yeah, I'd double-dog dare some idiot craiglisters to try to take her.
Mar 27, 2008 at 11:44 AM Post #24 of 39
as much as i'd blame the people who showed up going after free stuff and ignored him, whoever posted the ad needs to caught and made example of, because it could be anyone who's house gets listed like that

I'd like to see nothing more then that individual get slapped with a 10-20 year prison sentence
Mar 27, 2008 at 6:25 PM Post #26 of 39

Originally Posted by pez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All jokes, aside, I really would have a gun if I saw this happening, I'd rather go to jail for 6 months for pointing a gun at someone than potentially lose thousands of dollars of property.

You're not thinking it through.

6 months in jail means at least 6 months of lost wages, which is likely far more than the value what you would have lost and exponentially more than the insurance deductible. You'll also likely lose your job. Then there's the issue of civil suits. Even if you win, that's thousands more down the drain. Stuff can be replaced and often fairly painlessly with homeowners/renters insurance.

That and the low ready position will communicate your point just as well without nearly as much legal hassle.
Mar 27, 2008 at 6:36 PM Post #27 of 39
There's just so much wrong with this... I would definitely put most of the blame on the idiot who put the post on craigslist, but at the same time I wonder What all those people were thinking. Did they really believe this was real? Or was this just mob mentality?
Mar 27, 2008 at 6:48 PM Post #28 of 39

Originally Posted by marvin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're not thinking it through.

6 months in jail means at least 6 months of lost wages, which is likely far more than the value what you would have lost and exponentially more than the insurance deductible. You'll also likely lose your job. Then there's the issue of civil suits. Even if you win, that's thousands more down the drain. Stuff can be replaced and often fairly painlessly with homeowners/renters insurance.

That and the low ready position will communicate your point just as well without nearly as much legal hassle.

Yeah, but I would do lots not to lose my headphones
Mar 27, 2008 at 7:05 PM Post #30 of 39
Wow man, this is horrible... I think they should put in a notice on that website to always confirm that if you are taking stuff out of a house that the seller is actually the owner and the seller must be present during a sale even if its free.

All people caught should be charged with appropriate charges, and they should split the cost of things taken by those who didn't get caught (unless they help identify the ones who got away). Seriously, a phony craglist ad lends one no credibility. Not ransacking a perfectly good home based on anonymous net posting is just common sense - especially if owner's not home.

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