Philips Fidelio X2?!

Dec 6, 2015 at 2:11 PM Post #6,963 of 15,293
Anyone know a good place to purchase these in the UK? I just bought myself some HD650's for £225 had them a couple days but not really enjoying them as much as i'd hoped too analytical for me, will be returning them soon. I think these would be much more up my alley. There's a seller on amazon selling them for £205 but it's been a lot lower on other sites recently. 
*EDIT* Just remembered if I act quick I have the opportunity to get some brand new X1's from a friend for £115 ($173) which is considerably cheaper than the current price of X2's and roughly £35 ($53) cheaper than the price they were last on sale. Would it be worth waiting for the X2's to drop? or is the difference negligible? 
Dec 6, 2015 at 3:41 PM Post #6,965 of 15,293
Well, I just got the replacement and they have the peeling trim right out of the box...  Disappointed.
EDIT: Just contacted Amazon support again and they're going to pull it from sale for stock investigation.
Dec 6, 2015 at 3:52 PM Post #6,966 of 15,293
  Does anyone know of any good replacement cables for these I can get without cloth? The brushing noise the stock cable can make is starting to get to me.

I'll be getting this...
Love the headphone's but not keen on the stock cable!
Dec 6, 2015 at 4:04 PM Post #6,968 of 15,293
  sorry to hear bout dat.
abso ridic.
gonna hold out now until it's sorted.

Yeah, the support rep assured the case is escalated and they will work with Philips on it, asked to give it couple days.
Dec 6, 2015 at 4:05 PM Post #6,969 of 15,293
Does anyone know of any good replacement cables for these I can get without cloth? The brushing noise the stock cable can make is starting to get to me.

I have the 4 foot version found here:
Dec 6, 2015 at 4:06 PM Post #6,970 of 15,293
  Well, I just got the replacement and they have the peeling trim right out of the box...  Disappointed.
EDIT: Just contacted Amazon support again and they're going to pull it from sale for stock investigation.

Ugh I just reasd this and your other complaints.....

Then people complain why people are serious and upset about **** like this...

So sad, I really wanted to buy a pair of these, but leaking ink, and broken HPs no thanks....
Dec 6, 2015 at 4:07 PM Post #6,971 of 15,293
Dec 6, 2015 at 4:09 PM Post #6,972 of 15,293
  So sad, I really wanted to buy a pair of these, but leaking ink, and broken HPs no thanks....

Well, don't get me wrong, they are in no way "broken", just not cosmetically perfect (for OCD types). On the other hand, $300 is a price territory where one can expect come consistent QC.
And they still sound damn fantastic... Shame.
Dec 6, 2015 at 4:13 PM Post #6,973 of 15,293
Well, don't get me wrong, they are in no way "broken", just not cosmetically perfect (for OCD types). On the other hand, $300 is a price territory where one can expect come consistent QC.
And they still sound damn fantastic... Shame.

I've been reading about HPS for many monthsk, and the only ones I've heard many issues on were these.  First all seemed fine though, and then I read up on ink issues.  Now you're having some issues with parts falling apart....

I've heard they sound so amazing, but there's some sketch factor involved... sad.
Dec 7, 2015 at 12:28 AM Post #6,974 of 15,293
Update & solution for the volume imbalance issue:
Finally figured out what was causing the volume imbalance issue, at least in my setup:
The problem was (and still is) the headphone output of my 2013 Macbook Pro Retina. Definitely.
I then connected the headphone using Apogee ONE (via USB to the same computer) - problem's GONE!
Dec 7, 2015 at 2:07 AM Post #6,975 of 15,293
So right now I have the X1s and the AKG K712. Part of me thinks that the upgraded X2 would fix the problems I have with the X1 and not have the harshness the K712 can have, but I'm still not sure if the change from X1 to X2 really is that significant.
Feeling that wanderlust, y'all. Any input on if I should go with it or stick where I'm at?

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