People who fly: how to clear your ears?
Dec 1, 2002 at 9:10 PM Post #16 of 22

I am fortunate that I can open and close my tubes at will. BUt the damned sinuses are clogged most of the time

Clarinase works good ... but do remember anti-histamines cause a type of dependance. You'll depend on it all ways to clear all the goop even at ground level when you get colds.

Use in moderation and try some yoga excercises for improving breathing and clearing your sinuses.
Dec 1, 2002 at 9:14 PM Post #17 of 22
Decongestant! The spray kind works faster. You probably have gook in the e-tube, which makes a pain to equalize. I t could even get clear into the middle ear.

Holding the nose and pressurizing your sinuses is called the Valsalva technique. Divers use it during decent if the can't open their e-tubes voluntarily. If it didn't work, don't keep trying it. You may just be pushing stuff up in there. I would be inclined to try the reverse to try to pull anything out, carefully!

Decongestants will help open up the tubes and let them drain/equalize.

good luck

Dec 1, 2002 at 10:45 PM Post #18 of 22
I don't know if this is a procedure that work for everyone, but if you have similar problems as mine, it probably will. I often had problems with the ears after flying. Some years ago I had a problem that persisted during a few days. I imagined that I had wax in the ears, but after advise at the pharmacy I ended up with a bottle of nasal spray (sorry for my medical terminology in English, you spray it into each nostril). It helped. I think it widens the canals between the nose and the ears (sinuses?).
Then I tried it as a profylax. This works even better, I take a spray in the evning before the flight and then just before the flight. Hardly any problems more than people usuall have. Now I have always a bottle of nasal spray with me when flying.
Dec 1, 2002 at 11:49 PM Post #19 of 22

Originally posted by jude
The only thing that works for me is a genuine yawn.

this is my way, although fake yawns work pretty good too.

chewing gum is such a stupid idea.. i just don't get it. placebo. i like the idea of warm water on your ear canal though, never heard that one before.
Dec 2, 2002 at 12:36 AM Post #20 of 22
Yawns and other pressure equalising methods work for most people. If you have some kind of problem with congestion in a canal in the ear - nose system it is not enough. This could be temporary when you have a cold or more persistent for some people.
Dec 2, 2002 at 1:02 AM Post #21 of 22

Originally posted by Duncan
As it goes... it was, are you just familiar with their routings, or is this an occurence on their 737-800s?

actually... Bangraman has posted a link about their engines...

Sorry Bangra, I didn't see the link the first time I read your post... what is it about these engines then?? ~ I think I might go EasyJet in future for short haul if this is an engine related problem

I've never liked the CFM56 series for their drone and there always seems to be variations in air-conditioning system performance throughput the flight. This is a pilot thing as well as an engine thing but I've never, ever felt comfortable aboard a CFM56-engined aircraft.
I've flown on identical planes (Airbus A320) with IAE V2500 engines and it's altogether a much better experience.
Besides all that, CFM56 is a French/US engine. The IAE is a US/UK/Japan/Germany operation. You know which I'll root for
Dec 2, 2002 at 8:08 AM Post #22 of 22
lol Bangra

Well, two days on, and it is still the same (although strangely music seems to be fine, its more of just a sensation now)...

I've tried some decongestant pills and they didn't appear to work, so i'm going to buy some nasal spray... and pour some warm water in my ear when I get home from work to see if that helps...

Thanks for all the tips guys... keep 'em coming

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