OPUS#3 Hi-Res Audio player w/wifi and streaming

Apr 23, 2017 at 6:16 AM Post #166 of 533
First impressions:
Sound - 10 (Very warm, musical and detailed across all frequencies, reminds me a lot of Calyx M).
Ui - 10 ( Striped down to very minimum android. Everything is thoughtful and in the right place).
Outside hardware - 10 ( Same here:  everything is in the right place and works perfect).
Leather Case - 9 (beautifully made but hard to take off).
Bluetooth - 10 (no cut offs, even 30 feet away, DX200, Sony ZX2 and  DP-X1 are awful in this regard).
SD card reading - 10 ( 256GB card was ready to use in 2 min).
Cones I found so far:
1. Gapless is not perfect, I can hear the pop in between songs.
2. No "delete the song" or "delete the folder" future, which is weird. Most of the modern DAPs have it.
3. No sound when the headphones connected and bluetooth is turned on.
Kudos to TheBit team for nicely done DAP.
Apr 23, 2017 at 9:27 AM Post #168 of 533
First impressions:
Very warm

Looks like this is not my cup of tea...I thought it will be close to my Vantam in sound signature.

He shared his first impression, probably out of the box and not with a lot of burn in mileage ;) It changes with more burn in hours, it's not "very warm" from HO :)
Apr 23, 2017 at 9:46 AM Post #169 of 533
He shared his first impression, probably out of the box and not with a lot of burn in mileage
It changes with more burn in hours, it's not "very warm" from HO

Anyway I will be listening to it first before to come to any final conclusion.)
I'm also looking at Plenue 2 in parallel. Let's see.
Apr 23, 2017 at 10:09 AM Post #170 of 533
I love the sound so far, I can't imagine how much better it will be after the burn.
Vegas and #3 are very good match.
Waiting for your first impressions twister6. Specially any bugs you found, I didn't mention.
Apr 23, 2017 at 11:23 AM Post #171 of 533
  I love the sound so far, I can't imagine how much better it will be after the burn.
Vegas and #3 are very good match.
Waiting for your first impressions twister6. Specially any bugs you found, I didn't mention.

I posted the first impression a few days ago, here.  The only bug I found so far, if you run factory reset - Spotify gets deleted.
Apr 23, 2017 at 9:03 PM Post #173 of 533
Oh, hold on to your seat guys!!!  There is a way to install back Spotify (after the factory reset) and also side load other 3rd party apk files

Let me try it first and then report back.
Apr 23, 2017 at 10:18 PM Post #175 of 533
OK, so here it goes.  The instructions are as following:

Per instructions, download all your apk files (google the apk of your app), and copy to internal memory into \Download\ directory.
Then, from Settings go to Streaming and click (press and hold for a few seconds) on NetOpusPlayer:

which going to bring up the app info:

click on "+" to open a list of apk files you copied to \Download\ directory:

and click on the one you want to install:

When installation is done, select Close (not Open) and go back to Settings -> Streaming to select the app from the list:

What I found so far, YouTube will obviously not play because it needs Google Play.  Netflix opens up, displays the shows, but when you click play - it buffers with Loading... and I can hear the audio but can't see the video.
This is as far as I can get to view the list of shows, but can only play audio:

But, if you want to play videos, copy them to internal storage and install MX Player which has every codec under the sun.  Here, just tried it playing Happy Feet (audio and video in sync, looks and sounds decent):

You can also play some games, works fine with Unblock Me and Solitaire:
There is no clean way to exit the apps yet (I hope theBit will have a way to kill the running app). To exit, you need to go to Setting -> Streaming and click on AudioPlayer to get back to the default audio player.
Also, keep in mind, if the app is running in Landscape mode, when you "exit" it by switching to AudioPlayer, the view doesn't switch to Portrait mode until you power down the DAP.
And of course, keep in mind that once you perform Factory Reset - all the apps and apk files are deleted and you have to run this steps again.  I also hope that theBit guys will allow installation of apks files from a flash card since typically microSD is not erased during factory reset.  This way you don't have to copy apk files again, and can just re-install it from uSD card.
I already mentioned all this to theBit and hopefully they will fix it in the next fw update.  Hopefully Opus#2 will be getting the same fw as well ;)
So, the good news, you can side-load apk files, but of course - at your own risk.
Apr 24, 2017 at 3:05 AM Post #177 of 533
Opus Support just replied to my inquiry - they also attached the same Install Guide photo and their email says -
"When the factory reset  is executed, the internal memory is initialized.
If you perform a factory reset, all 3rd party programs installed in the internal memory will be deleted.

I attached How to install 3rd Party apps and Spotify APK files.
You can install 3rd party apps according to attached instruction.
However, we do not give any guarantees about the performance of 3rd Party applications."

Apr 24, 2017 at 8:10 AM Post #178 of 533
Additional details on App updates and Uninstall:

- the App will not Auto update, you have to reinstall as per instructions

As per Opus Support:
"About update 3rd party application,
You should reinstall the new version as per install-guide.

About uninstall 3rd party application,
It is almost same as How to install.

1. Go to Setting > Streaming
2. Click (press and hold for few seconds) on the application which you want to uninstall.
3. In app info screen, click on "uninstall"."

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