May 8, 2014 at 2:02 AM Post #16 of 5,420

While we patiently wait for impressions, you can vicariously live through the HA-1 experience by reading the HA-1 Headphone Amplifier Users Manual.

Ordered mine today 5 minutes after receiving my notification e-mail. I'll be able to share my impressions with the LCD-2 rev2 and the LCD-XC. Hopefully I can articulate what I hear for you guys. I also can try it with the AKG-K550 and the Vmoda m-100, though these are more for work and portable respectively, not home listening. For a source I'll be using my MacBook Pro, Oppo BDP-83 and the Fiio X5 playing multiple formats including many high resolution files.

For now it's the excruciating wait for the shipment.

Vandelay Industries Complaint Dept.


May 8, 2014 at 2:44 AM Post #17 of 5,420
Ordered mine today 5 minutes after receiving my notification e-mail. I'll be able to share my impressions with the LCD-2 rev2 and the LCD-XC. Hopefully I can articulate what I hear for you guys. I also can try it with the AKG-K550 and the Vmoda m-100, though these are more for work and portable respectively, not home listening. For a source I'll be using my MacBook Pro, Oppo BDP-83 and the Fiio X5 playing multiple formats including many high resolution files.

For now it's the excruciating wait for the shipment.

That would be most helpful !
May 8, 2014 at 2:52 AM Post #18 of 5,420
May 8, 2014 at 3:04 AM Post #19 of 5,420
Ordered mine today 5 minutes after receiving my notification e-mail.

For now it's the excruciating wait for the shipment.

Did you pay that extra like $24 for the faster shipping?
Don't ask how I know..
May 8, 2014 at 3:05 AM Post #20 of 5,420
  Fully balanced Class A power amp section
See for more details.

I think you mean headphone amp and preamp. Last I checked, it wasn't a power amp.
May 8, 2014 at 3:08 AM Post #21 of 5,420
Did you pay that extra like $24 for the faster shipping?
Don't ask how I know..

:eek: Wish I knew about that!

I'm not sure it would apply to me as I'm in Canada, and it's always a pain with customs anyway so may be wasted money. I'll just be patient.
May 8, 2014 at 3:10 AM Post #22 of 5,420
You have your doubts, go try a HA-1 with your collection of headphones.   I've been part of the HA-1 beta testing for long time.   It has no hiss period.   Change you headphone gain from normal to high output the unit will automatically drop the volume to a lower output level before kicking in high mode.    Little things like that change your opinion.

On the contrary,
It wasn't doubts of oppo in this area, But...

I actually was thinking so many other reference quality high power "tube" amps that are super expensive and powerful,
Yet start to show a noise floor with lower impedance cans.

Only tube amp I know of with zero noise floor is my wa7 amp,
So my plans are to "someday" attain an HA-1 to compare. ;)

Then the posted tests in the other thread revealing some interesting points about harmonic distortion order and other qualities which leads me to believe that the oppo will have a better than usual transparent yet quality sound, Even away from its usual solid state competition.
That's why I say "Hmmm" until I get my hands on this.. ;)

So not many versatile "reference" headphone amps out there..

Hmmm ;)
May 8, 2014 at 4:51 AM Post #24 of 5,420
Thanks. I had glanced through it but must have flaked out and missed it. I will take a longer look shortly.

Too much to wish for zero global feedback?
May 8, 2014 at 6:13 AM Post #25 of 5,420
Look at the numbers, this DAC/AMP combo is gonna rule them all. Really impressive, and the price is very reasonable compared w/ those other mid to high tier combos. 
I guess now we just need to wait for some reviews and impressions. From what we've seen in Oppo BD-95/105, this one won't disappoint us. 
May 8, 2014 at 8:13 AM Post #26 of 5,420
  If anyone has this I really would like to know if they pair well with the TH-900.  I been in a DAC search mode all week and haven't had much in the way of TH-900 use and these DACS.

Well it's a clean neutral amp. Anyone who is claiming synergy and coloration I would question their opinion on things, it's a not coloring the sound it's just amplifying the signal to your headphones. It's really that simple, and I mean that in the best way possible. You're getting a clean powerful amp with a great responsive screen, excellent build quality and a good amount of input/output selections. If you want to hear how your headphones make each recording sound with nothing to change the sound in-between then this is your amp/DAC.
As for it's heat, I've had mine on for weeks and it's warm, but not hot.
May 8, 2014 at 8:43 AM Post #27 of 5,420
It might not be fair to compare, but ultimately I will be weighing the impressions of this amp against the Ragnarok.  
On a sheer cost and size basis, Oppo looks like an extremely practical solution.
May 8, 2014 at 9:37 AM Post #28 of 5,420
On a sheer cost and size basis, Oppo looks like an extremely practical solution.

+1. And also the fact that it has a built in DAC and loads of input options and that nice VU meter screen option 

May 8, 2014 at 9:53 AM Post #29 of 5,420
In single ended mode, it seems a bit underpowered no?
SpecificationConditionXLR Input - Balanced OutputRCA Input - 6.35 mm Output
Into 600 Ohm2400 mW600 mW
Into 32 Ohm3000 mW3500 mW
Into 600 Ohm800 mW200 mW
Into 32 Ohm2000 mW500 mW
[td=rowspan:2]Maximum Output Power (Per Channel)[/td] [td=rowspan:2]Rated Output Power
(Per Channel)[/td]
32Ohm @ 500mW isn't enough to really drive some planar's to the best of their ability (if you follow the 1W guideline for HFM...).  I'm taking the Rated Output Power as RMS... and Maximum Output Power as Peak.  Or am I off?
I suppose if you take the easier to drive Oppo PM-1 (which I'm sure this is designed for), it would probably be fine.  But if you are looking at this as a amp/dac for an HE-500/Audeze, it doesn't seem like it would have enough power.
May 8, 2014 at 10:04 AM Post #30 of 5,420
  In single ended mode, it seems a bit underpowered no?
SpecificationConditionXLR Input - Balanced OutputRCA Input - 6.35 mm Output
Into 600 Ohm2400 mW600 mW
Into 32 Ohm3000 mW3500 mW
Into 600 Ohm800 mW200 mW
Into 32 Ohm2000 mW500 mW
[td=rowspan:2]Maximum Output Power (Per Channel)[/td] [td=rowspan:2]Rated Output Power
(Per Channel)[/td]
32Ohm @ 500mW isn't enough to really drive planar's to the best of their ability (if you follow the 1W guideline...).  I'm taking the Rated Output Power as RMS... and Maximum Output Power as Peak.  Or am I off?

Agreed, but what planar are you really trying to drive SE?   The PM1 with stock cable actually sounds respectable even at that power (very efficient) and people with HE-6's are using balanced, so...
And I am reading the power output specs the same way unless someone wants to correct me.
Edit: You snuck in an Edit!  Agreed with you on the power.

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