here comes a post that could stir up about as much fun as a DBT debate (but it will not involve any part of DBT, so dont ban my ass!)
for those who dont want to read the rest,
no bypass cap. that is all. just get a good quality output cap, and call it a day.
the LONG answer:
adding a bypass cap theoretically smooths a LOT of the sound of the electrolytic, but in practice it very often causes a smear in the tone of the music. when you bypass a cap you have 1 signal (assuming your amp didnt already screw it up somewhere else) going in and 2(!) coming out! the film and electrolytic caps have slightly diferent audio properties, and the signals dont always match up.
the argument is that you can bypass a $2 electrolytic with a $10 film cap and get a better sound. you could also buy a single $12 electrolytic..... which is what i would recommend.
for those who say "no mater what you should use a bypass cap, it is always better." i will proudly say "no mater what you should listen critically to the gear you make, it may make it better."