oh, that's quite a difficult question to answer... due to my eternal indecision that makes me look around and around but never state a precise direction or define a precise aim.
let's see... I have now a MF XCan V2 and the following cans: AKG K501, ATH W1000, Alessandro MS2i and a "person" Beyer DT990, i.e. an old 990 model with new speakers, as the original ones went out, and with the new light-grey velour pads. so, some high and some low impedance cans. I do not want to sell any of them, instead I think I will buy a DT880 and some Denons, soon or later.
XCan V2 is good with high impedance cans, but not -to my ears- with low impedance ones: it becomes a little bit noisy and, apart from that, sound gets dull, with some kinda 'veil'.
I'd like to find some amp that matches well with low impedance cans. and I'd also like that to be an upgrade, not just a 'sidegrade'.
now, I've seen that LD mk VII, and I've also seen a LD mk I+, but in this case, based on what I read 'round here, I'm afraid I should keep the MF as well; then, I've heard about Lake People G100, that should be good with either low and high impedances; and I dream of a Rudistor NX03 or similar (if I just find the money), and... and I'm open to suggestions.
I realise that I'm talking about amps ranging from 1 to several hundreds of USD's; as I told you, I still don't have my direction clear: make a great jump with Rudstor or Lake People or whatsoever, or upgrade step-by-step looking for some bang for the bucks ?
actually, LD mk VII seems to be in the middle, ain't it ? not too expensive, but likely to be a step forward with respect to my MF.
the balanced output is not a must at all, it could just be a curiosity to compare balanced to unbalanced cans; but after all at the moment I don't have a balanced CDP, but then again I plan to buy one in the future and... oh, well, enough confusion, isn't it ?
thank you very much for your opinions and... comprehension.