one question about Little Dot mk VII
Jan 18, 2010 at 12:19 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


100+ Head-Fier
Mar 31, 2007

I've read comments about LD mk V saying that it shows some hiss when coupled with low impedance cans (<64 ohm, some said); is it the same with LD mk VII or does this newer ss amp overcome that problem ?

thanks, ciao
Jan 18, 2010 at 3:30 PM Post #2 of 11
The Little Dot MKVII is currently unavailable due to a part shortage and may not be rereleased. The unit was recently changed/upgraded to the MKVII+ which is currently available on a limited basis. David @ Little Dot told me that the MKVII apparently did have some hiss issues with low impedance cans, but this has been addressed with the MKVII+. I am planing to order a MKVII+ as soon as one is available, I am waiting on an email from David. I am only aware of one MKVII owner that has a hiss problem in one channel and apparently it was resolved with a new amp.
Jan 18, 2010 at 4:48 PM Post #3 of 11
Like Bowed said the MKVII was known to hiss with lower ohm phones in some cases. The MKVIII+ should address that problem.
Jan 19, 2010 at 1:53 PM Post #5 of 11
What cans are you looking do power? The biggest advantage of the MKVII and MKVII+ is the ability to have a budget friendly fully balanced setup, but that means you have to have upstream equipment balanced as well. I'm sure you can get some good suggestions on amps if you let us know what headphones you have and if you need a balanced setup.
Jan 19, 2010 at 3:53 PM Post #6 of 11
oh, that's quite a difficult question to answer... due to my eternal indecision that makes me look around and around but never state a precise direction or define a precise aim.
let's see... I have now a MF XCan V2 and the following cans: AKG K501, ATH W1000, Alessandro MS2i and a "person" Beyer DT990, i.e. an old 990 model with new speakers, as the original ones went out, and with the new light-grey velour pads. so, some high and some low impedance cans. I do not want to sell any of them, instead I think I will buy a DT880 and some Denons, soon or later.
XCan V2 is good with high impedance cans, but not -to my ears- with low impedance ones: it becomes a little bit noisy and, apart from that, sound gets dull, with some kinda 'veil'.
I'd like to find some amp that matches well with low impedance cans. and I'd also like that to be an upgrade, not just a 'sidegrade'.
now, I've seen that LD mk VII, and I've also seen a LD mk I+, but in this case, based on what I read 'round here, I'm afraid I should keep the MF as well; then, I've heard about Lake People G100, that should be good with either low and high impedances; and I dream of a Rudistor NX03 or similar (if I just find the money), and... and I'm open to suggestions.
I realise that I'm talking about amps ranging from 1 to several hundreds of USD's; as I told you, I still don't have my direction clear: make a great jump with Rudstor or Lake People or whatsoever, or upgrade step-by-step looking for some bang for the bucks ?
actually, LD mk VII seems to be in the middle, ain't it ? not too expensive, but likely to be a step forward with respect to my MF.
the balanced output is not a must at all, it could just be a curiosity to compare balanced to unbalanced cans; but after all at the moment I don't have a balanced CDP, but then again I plan to buy one in the future and... oh, well, enough confusion, isn't it ?

thank you very much for your opinions and... comprehension.

Jan 19, 2010 at 5:22 PM Post #7 of 11
My 2 cents (I own a MKVII): don't buy this amp if you're not planning to balance your headphones. The SE output of my MKVII is nothing special, not much difference with my old MKV. But it really shines using the balanced output and a balanced DAC (like the DAC_I): my recabled DT880s sound simply brilliant, with an impressive detail retrieve and a tight bass. It can easily drive any high impedance cans: I've tried some balanced DT770 (600 ohm) and Sennheiser HD600, but unfortunately has some hiss with low impedance ones (at least my unit).
Jan 19, 2010 at 10:23 PM Post #11 of 11

Originally Posted by Bowedtoothdoc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The Little Dot MKVII is currently unavailable due to a part shortage and may not be rereleased. The unit was recently changed/upgraded to the MKVII+ which is currently available on a limited basis. David @ Little Dot told me that the MKVII apparently did have some hiss issues with low impedance cans, but this has been addressed with the MKVII+. I am planing to order a MKVII+ as soon as one is available, I am waiting on an email from David. I am only aware of one MKVII owner that has a hiss problem in one channel and apparently it was resolved with a new amp.

Yes I did indeed have a very slight hiss in one channel,this was only evident with the CD3000 phones.[A good test for any amp]
David at LD was very understanding and told me to return the amp so they could address the problem.
This they did at no cost to me at all,and the MK Vll is now silent on both channels.
It is a great shame that this amp might be discontinued,lets hope that the + can carry on the name.

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