OMG I figured out I am a basshead...
Dec 25, 2009 at 6:01 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


100+ Head-Fier
Oct 5, 2008
Got Klipsch S4 last week, burned them in with pink noise for a week, turned on Linkin Park, felt the bass wasnt that punchy

I recall long ago while I was using apple buds when my friends pulled out a pair of sony's , not sure which one but the bass from that thing is a monster, it punched right into my heart...

ever since i have been searching for a phone that is comparable in terms of bass... S4 is bassy, but I feel like it doesnt punch it right thru the heart, probablly because limitations with IEMs, but isolation is important to me... anyone care to recommend something that is bassier than S4 and wont cost me a fortune?

I play all my music from a rockboxed sansa fuze with 320k cbr mp3 all ripped from lossless...

thanks a lot!
Dec 25, 2009 at 6:06 AM Post #3 of 9
CKS70 will kill the S4 in the bass department plus they have a huge soundstage. The treble is a bit weak but not horrible especially after they get burned in. I started an appreiciation thread on these plus do a search for bass ahoy and you will find another excellent review of them plus other bass IEM's. Bang for the buck I think they are very good. I got mine at for less than $90 shipped.

In fact I owned the S4 when I recieved the CKS70 and sold them a week later because I couldn't go back to using them.
Dec 25, 2009 at 6:13 AM Post #4 of 9
x2 on the CKS70s. Deepest bass I've heard on IEMs, and the price is unbeatable.

Are you set on IEMs, or are you also considering full size? Your monster bass options open up quite a bit if you move to circumaural cans.
Dec 25, 2009 at 6:37 AM Post #5 of 9
yes i was thinking of full sized cans. and i have ordered jvc-harx700 and portapros as my noob cans
Dec 25, 2009 at 8:05 AM Post #6 of 9

Originally Posted by rudyzhou2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I recall long ago while I was using apple buds when my friends pulled out a pair of sony's , not sure which one but the bass from that thing is a monster, it punched right into my heart...
thanks a lot!

Sony has new extra bass earphones. Although they were not discussed much at here, people over Amazon seem like them.
MDR-XB40EX | Extra-Bass XB Earbuds | Sony | SonyStyle USA
MDR-XB20EX | Extra-Bass XB Earbuds | Sony | SonyStyle USA
Dec 25, 2009 at 9:12 AM Post #7 of 9
I never understood why we have to be called "bassheads" when what we really want is bass we can hear like any decent speaker setup. I have yet to hear a high-end speaker system with anemic bass that people revere as being "accurate and bass light."

Those sony's look interesting, btw.

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