from another recent post of mine:
the dt-250-250 is said to be a significant step up.
also, the k171 and k270 from akg are good bets.
maybe this sony phone as well: (link fixed)
and perhaps the sennheiser hd-25.
in the open realm, i highly recommend the ultrasone hfi-2000 (much nicer than ultrasone's closed models). this product is available as an ultra low emissions unit (for a small fee), which reduces potentially harmful electromagnetic emissions by an astounding 95%!
the sennheiser and sony models are most easily driven, but none of the above cans are especially tough to drive.
for portable use, i honestly don't believe there is a better can than the hd-25 - it's designed to be the ultimate dj phone for field use, and pretty much everything about this can corresponds to the portable environment. excellent isolation, compact size, very high sensitivity rating combined with a relatively high impedance level, built to last (with a modular design), short cord, etc. be aware that it is not the sp model that i refer to. you should be able to purchase this phone for less than $150; etronics has $145 listed.
regarding bangra, the ear is least sensitive to damage induced by bass frequencies.
True, but not with the cone movement that I'm talking about
lol, that's funny