Official 8th Annual ChiUniFi - June 21, 2014

Jun 15, 2014 at 11:56 AM Post #377 of 522
The Grado fan page on head-fi has been abuzz about the E series for a week or two now. For anyone interested:

You might have to go a couple pages back.
Jun 15, 2014 at 12:51 PM Post #378 of 522
A few people (myself included) who have ordered Grados in the last couple months have been getting the revised versions. I noticed the red drivers as soon as I opened the box, though it didn't seem like anyone on here had any idea (at the time) why/if there had been a running change in production. It's interesting to see that there's been a couple changes in driver size in some of the higher-end models -- I can't help but wonder what facilitated this change, and I would really like to A/B them against their older 'i' counterparts.
Jun 15, 2014 at 8:13 PM Post #384 of 522
Ishcabible is listed as bringing the PM2 headphone - is that a pre-release model or a typo?  Been wanting to try those.

I didn't see this. I've been talking to Oppo and they were slated to send me one when they were released. Back then they expected "June" but it's been delayed so unfortunately I won't have it.
Jun 15, 2014 at 10:49 PM Post #385 of 522
Awesome, thanks! Looking forward to A/Bing it with a Magni.

Going by your sig, be forewarned -- the Vali is hissy with Grados (up to about 150ohm, there's an audible noise floor). Depeding on your tolerance to it and the type of music you like, it may or may not be a dealbreaker. Personally, I don't mind it 99% of the time.
Jun 16, 2014 at 11:12 AM Post #388 of 522
Going by your sig, be forewarned -- the Vali is hissy with Grados (up to about 150ohm, there's an audible noise floor). Depeding on your tolerance to it and the type of music you like, it may or may not be a dealbreaker. Personally, I don't mind it 99% of the time.

Thanks, I'll be mindful of that. I usually listen fairly quietly and I'm not normally a fan of tubes, but Schiit themselves said they preferred Tubes with Grados, so I figured I'd check it out!

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