Sep 7, 2012 at 7:38 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 84


Headphoneus Supremus
May 7, 2012
That Right Folks... The Etymotic Line of IEMs is one of the Most Tunable IEMs on the market.
Simply by changing the filters, You Too Can Increase the Bass Response.
A little known fact that is now exposed.
I have simply changed the filters/increased their resistance and turned my Etymotic MC5s into BASS MONSTERS!!!
More reading can be done here:
And Here:
The filters/acoustic dampers can be purchased here:
I hereby name this, The NRB Mod...
Go for it and make the most of a great IEM!!!
SIGNED: Jim, "The NRB Mod-Father"
Added Filter changing info:

About the Filters

Etymotic Earphones have special filters that smooth the frequency response and prevent earwax from entering the earphones. A filter is located at the end of the earphone and is visible when the eartip is removed. If a filter becomes clogged, it should be replaced. A dirty filter will reduce earphone output. A filter should be changed if the loudness decreases or the sound quality declines. 

Note: Filters are not reusable.


Note: Use the tool to remove the filter.
1. Remove eartip. 2. Insert tool into the filter. 3. Remove filter and discard.


Note: Do not use the tool to replace the filter.
4. Insert a new filter and press
    gently against a hard surface
    to secure it in place.
5. Re-attach eartip.
Added Filter Info:
Etymotic stock filter/damper specs:
IEM Model / Knowles part no. / Color / Resistance value
MC3 & MC5 / BF-1859 / White / 680 ohm
HF3 & HF5 / BF-1861 / Green / 1500 ohm
ER-4 (all models) / BF-1861 / Green / 1500 ohm
My further suggestion is to increase at least two values above the stock filter.
An example would be what I have done with my MC5.
I have taken the Stock filter (white 680 ohm) out, and replaced it with a green 1500 ohm filter.
Of course you could increase it further if desired.
And you could also reduce it too.
All Filter Specs are here:
BF-1999 Grey 330 ohm
BF-1859 White 680 ohm
BF-1860 Brown 1000 ohm
BF-1861 Green 1500 ohm
BF-1921 Red 2200 ohm
BF-1922 Orange 3300 ohm
BF-1923 Yellow 4700 ohm
Sep 7, 2012 at 7:53 PM Post #2 of 84

I saw your post on the other Ety thread. Thanks for the info. This mod is too cheap NOT to try.
In the other thread you mentioned using the 1500, green on the MC5, but I already have 1500's on my ETY ER4S.
So which dampers should I get for my Ety ER4S? Orange, 3300? Or is this NRB mod only good for the other IEM's and not the ER4S.
I guess I could just buy one of each and try them.
Is it possible to remove the dampers without ruining them so I can try the various dampers?
Thanks again,
Sep 7, 2012 at 8:04 PM Post #3 of 84
I saw your post on the other Ety thread. Thanks for the info. This mod is too cheap NOT to try.
In the other thread you mentioned using the 1500, green on the MC5, but I already have 1500's on my ETY ER4S.
So which dampers should I get for my Ety ER4S? Orange, 3300? Or is this NRB mod only good for the other IEM's and not the ER4S.
I guess I could just buy one of each and try them.
Is it possible to remove the dampers without ruining them so I can try the various dampers?
Thanks again,

This mod is for all IEMs using a Knowles Filter/Acoustic Damper.
The Orange has been suggested by Rin as a good choice for the ER-4 line of IEMs.
As far as non-destructive removal goes... Have a look: I haven't gotten one yet though. Perhaps you could be first on the block.
Cheers, Jim
Sep 7, 2012 at 8:21 PM Post #4 of 84
This mod is for all IEMs using a Knowles Filter/Acoustic Damper.
The Orange has been suggested by Rin as a good choice for the ER-4 line of IEMs.
As far as non-destructive removal goes... Have a look: I haven't gotten one yet though. Perhaps you could be first on the block.
Cheers, Jim

That tool looks handy, but where can you actually buy one? No one seems to sell them online. Even on the Knowles website, the link to the part is no longer there.
I wonder if you have a small pair of tweezers, you could pull out the damper from the edges without damaging it.
Sep 8, 2012 at 12:46 AM Post #5 of 84
That tool looks handy, but where can you actually buy one? No one seems to sell them online. Even on the Knowles website, the link to the part is no longer there.
I wonder if you have a small pair of tweezers, you could pull out the damper from the edges without damaging it.

I borrowed my daughter's AA fine point jeweler's tweezers and was able to grab the edge plastic material enough to pull the filter out without damaging it. Well, I guess the plastic sleeve was a little damaged from grabbing it, but the filter was totally intact.
I will try that once the other dampers arrive. I ordered a pair of each color that were greater than 1500. I figured I didn't want to go less than 1500 since I don't want more highs and less bass. Once I receive them, I will post my impressions.
Sep 9, 2012 at 12:15 AM Post #7 of 84
I think I saw you mention this before. . . I might try it the other way for my Hf5s...
Sep 9, 2012 at 12:21 AM Post #8 of 84
I think I saw you mention this before. . . I might try it the other way for my Hf5s...

Gonna tune em up a lil???

Keep us posted as to how it goes.

Thanks, Jim
Sep 9, 2012 at 12:34 AM Post #9 of 84
Will do. BTW, when you buy "1" from Mouser, is it just one filter or is it a pair of filters?
Sep 9, 2012 at 12:41 AM Post #10 of 84
Sep 9, 2012 at 1:02 AM Post #11 of 84
Alright. It looks like I'll be getting the 1000 and 330... As soon as I can get permission to buy "four tiny parts" that is... 

Sep 9, 2012 at 1:11 AM Post #12 of 84
So I'm assuming you're using the grey filters to turn them into bass monsters...  
Sep 9, 2012 at 1:13 AM Post #13 of 84
So I'm assuming you're using the grey filters to turn them into bass monsters...  

Nope. The other way. You increase resistance to get more bass.
I'm trying to see if I can create "Treble Monsters."*  
 The grey filters (330) to my understanding, would do that.
*For no reason other than to see if I can...
EDIT: Alright, I'm done playing with the edit button...
EDIT #42: I lied.
Sep 9, 2012 at 1:30 AM Post #14 of 84
Complete noob here :) I ordered my Etymotic Research HF3 yesterday so i should be here next week.
I assume these will work for hf3 also? If i want more bass from it then i should get the 1500 (green)? and for Treble i should go for the lower one?
So the higher it is the more bass it gives? And how do i do the mod? Thanks :)
sorry for the noobish questions
Sep 9, 2012 at 1:32 AM Post #15 of 84
Complete noob here :) I ordered my Etymotic Research HF3 yesterday so i should be here next week.
I assume these will work for hf3 also? If i want more bass from it then i should get the 1500 (green)? and for Treble i should go for the lower one?
So the higher it is the more bass it gives? And how do i do the mod? Thanks :)
sorry for the noobish questions

You got this nice shiny tool with your headphones. Remove the tips and use that to remove the tiny filters. Then just carefully insert the new filter in the nozzle.
And yup, lower is treble, higher is bass.

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