NOOB looking for headphones
Feb 5, 2010 at 12:34 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


New Head-Fier
Feb 4, 2010
First off. You guys are awesome. I want some new headphones. Over or on the ear headphones. I discovered after reading so much on this site, the smart thing to do is NOT to immediately go to Bose or the most expensive headphones on the market. So, I'll give you guys exactly what I'm looking for and what I'm going to use them for and I appreciate any feedback whatsoever. Thanks in advance, in a day I've already learned so much. Big community. Sheesh.

I'm willing to spend 250.00 at the most, but want to try to shoot for the near 200 range.
1. Comfort is a pretty big deal for me. I don't care if it's over the ear or on the ear. I just can't wear earbuds. They've always been a little uncomfortable and I have inner ear buildup problems to begin with. (sorry to be gross)
2. I'll be listening to a Zune mp3 player mostly, movies on my netbook
3. Almost every one of my mp3's are at least 256kbps (so very high quality)
4. Don't really care about style at all. Wireless would be cool, but I could deal with a wire. Would prefer nothing too bulky, but could manage if I had to.
5. I listen to EVERYTHING. Country, rock, metal, rap, pop, EVERYTHING.

I guess I just want the most amazing sound, trying to stay in the guidelines above. Thanks for the help and the knowledge!
Feb 5, 2010 at 12:50 AM Post #2 of 23
Do you need any isolation (either to keep commuting noises out, or to keep your music to yourself, like in a library)?

Despite the fact that you said you listen to "everything", the genres you posted are mostly still rock-based, so you might benefit from a headphone that's colored towards rock music, like a Grado. Now if you truly do listen to "everything", including classical, jazz, and all the other genres you didn't specifically list, a more balanced and neutral headphone might be more up your alley.
Feb 5, 2010 at 1:27 AM Post #3 of 23
Isolation would be cool. On planes I'd obviously want noise out. Very few times would I need to keep music to myself, so that's not a HUGE issue. Keeping the noise out would be a bigger issue. I do listen to very little jazz and classical. But yeah I'm actually one of those people that listens to everything. haha. I would cater to the majority of my collection though, which is more rock based.
Feb 5, 2010 at 6:37 AM Post #5 of 23
Maybe look at a HD-25?

Probably one of the best portable headphones I've heard but out of my price range at the time. Or maybe go for a used pair of ESW9s (I haven't tried these but I will ...once I get money to upgrade my portable setup...).

I have the ES7 which are nice on bass but your budget can go for something much higher. I also don't find them too good for rock as you need good trebles to have a good rock experience imo. Search around for those two and I'm sure you wont be disappointed.
Feb 5, 2010 at 6:46 AM Post #6 of 23
Looked at those ESW9's. Wow. What a sharp looking set. I know that obviously says nothing about the sound, but that's amazing looking. Those have a pretty good audio balance that I'm looking for? High Treb, etc?
Feb 5, 2010 at 7:09 AM Post #7 of 23
ESW9s have a fairly warm, laid back sound. Better for rap, electronica, etc. Great bass but treble doesn't exactly sparkle like on some other phones (Grados, for example). If you could get two pairs - ESW9 and SR-225 you'd have most of your bases covered!
Feb 5, 2010 at 7:10 AM Post #8 of 23
No clue hahaha. They do look sharp and the ESW9 will probably be my max for my portable upgrade just cause they look so nice. I'm sure you can find reviews on by people who are smarter than me. lol
Feb 5, 2010 at 7:18 AM Post #9 of 23
Well it sounds like you need headphones with some bass. I would also look at the ATH-ESW9
Feb 5, 2010 at 7:22 AM Post #10 of 23
comfort and general purpose, if you don't mind buying used I'd recommend: SONY SA5000 or Sennheiser HD600. Excellent starting point.

SA5000 sounds more "clear" with more resolution. HD600, on the other hand, sounds more musical and wholesome. Different tastes.

If I have to choose one, I'd go with SA5000. ( I have two of them by the way

welcome to Head-fi.
Feb 5, 2010 at 7:26 AM Post #11 of 23
SA-5000 for rap and hip hop? HD600 are going to need a nice amp and are no way portable if the OP want's to take them with him out and about.
Feb 5, 2010 at 7:35 AM Post #13 of 23
Yep, the SRH840 also a good recommendation. Sounds like you need a closed can that isn't huge like the Denon D2000. Look up the ATH-M50 too
Feb 5, 2010 at 7:40 AM Post #14 of 23
I'm just willing to spend good money on some headphones, so I wanna be sure I get the right ones. I know what I want in sound, and build. Just don't know what headphones accomplish that. So, any suggestions along with a bit of a description help. You guys have already been a great help so far. Thanks in advance!

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