Jun 1, 2012 at 4:06 AM Post #16 of 53
Coming from Galaxy S, Galaxy S2 and iPhone 4S. Lumia 900 sounds is close to Galaxy S and iPhone 4S, but for a smartphone it's better than all of those phones.

why do you like  Windows Phone over both Android and iOS?
Jun 1, 2012 at 11:20 AM Post #17 of 53
Android phones have great sq, and so does the iPhone lineup. The WP devices sound good as well. The WP phones don't sound better,...I own the Lumia 900 and it's a lie if I said it did. The sq is good,...not GREAT. I made a trade off on my preference in the OS for a slight hit in options when it comes to music playback. The volume is low, there's no eq, and I can't even download an app that can give me the options of PowerAMP or EQu.

I luv my windows phone, but no way does it sound better than an iPhone 4/s or ALL the Android devices,...that includes the SG S. The SG S phones all sound great. And I've owned iPhones and a few different Android phones,...
Jun 1, 2012 at 9:19 PM Post #18 of 53
Not just Windows Phone is great, the phone is great as well. It's a head turner with excellent build quality. Call quality and signal reception on this phone are at least a notch or two better than all the phones I have had so far. Lumia 900 has the best screen for viewing outdoor as tested by DisplayMate and PocketLint. Windows Phone is very fast, reliable, simple to use, and yet powerful. I really like the integrations in WP as a whole with Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft Office, Outlook, LinkedIn and Xbox Live. There are many features that I like including Local Scout, People Hub, Me Hub, Pin to Homescreen, Bing Vision and Bing Music. All these integrations can help you do things fast. Imagine you can check your movie times at your favorite theater with just one tap or listen to any of your favorite radio station with just one tap, that's why I said WP is also powerful. You can read more about many features of WP here. Too lazy to explain them all :/
Jun 22, 2012 at 5:38 AM Post #21 of 53
there a big diff between in sound between the 800 and 900... 900 much louder.. Im using Sens IE80s where you can adjust the bass..
using same files..Iphone SQ off..
Iphone 4s - I keep the bass on full and still get impressive clarity with mids and highs..
Lumia 900 - Base on max.. too much bass, mids and highs muddy, fishbowl feeling.. Bas on minimum reduced the muddyness but still not the clarity of the Iphone 4s...  Strangely enough i hear instruments that i dont o the iphone 4s..
Lumia 800 - Plain Awful...
Im sure a simple equaliser would imporve the SQ a lot on the lumia especially managing the base as it seems over sensitive to the HP/ IEMS...
Besides all that 16 GB is pathetic..
Jun 22, 2012 at 7:10 AM Post #22 of 53
Oh, I see I came too late. Was going to suggest against getting a WP7 phone right now, seeing as how it won't be updating past the 7.8 'let's placate the angry buyers with a minor refresh' update.
Jun 22, 2012 at 10:53 AM Post #23 of 53
I really can't believe Nokia did this. Making the 800/900 a bit of a Hail Mary and probably knowing it wouldn't support WP8 at the same time. Hopefully the ".8" update will have some EQ options.
Jun 22, 2012 at 11:48 AM Post #24 of 53
I really can't believe Nokia did this. Making the 800/900 a bit of a Hail Mary and probably knowing it wouldn't support WP8 at the same time. Hopefully the ".8" update will have some EQ options.

No EQ means I'll give it away to another family member,...
Jun 22, 2012 at 1:17 PM Post #25 of 53
no EQ means I might get one,
no decent bit of audio kits needs eq in the first place, it can only add disortion.
Jun 22, 2012 at 1:23 PM Post #26 of 53
no EQ means I might get one,
no decent bit of audio kits needs eq in the first place, it can only add disortion.


Jun 22, 2012 at 2:48 PM Post #27 of 53
no EQ means I might get one,

no decent bit of audio kits needs eq in the first place, it can only add disortion.

Wrong,...that's an opinion - not a fact. Really, your specifications are all that matters? If Nokia gives us an EQ all you need do is not use it. Problem solved & case closed for you.

There are quite a lot of us head-fi'ers that DO use an EQ,...
Jun 22, 2012 at 7:07 PM Post #29 of 53
TBH I find it somewhat amusing when people want to use anything BUT just the hp out on a cellphone. The exception would be a case like the one V-Moda has put out, having a built in amp and extra battery power for the iPhone 4. Otherwise a cellphone isn't really designed to be used as a dedicated pmp/dap. It's a phone first and foremost,...adding all these extras is kinda ridiculous.
Jun 23, 2012 at 1:36 AM Post #30 of 53
TBH I find it somewhat amusing when people want to use anything BUT just the hp out on a cellphone. The exception would be a case like the one V-Moda has put out, having a built in amp and extra battery power for the iPhone 4. Otherwise a cellphone isn't really designed to be used as a dedicated pmp/dap. It's a phone first and foremost,...adding all these extras is kinda ridiculous.

Holy crap.....that's the most sensible thing I've read in here all day! 


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