Next step up from the Vsonic GR07? What fatigue-free IEM's do you recommend?

Jul 15, 2013 at 10:58 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 4


100+ Head-Fier
Sep 24, 2011
I love the GR07... my favorite IEM so far and reminds me of my LCD-2 I used to have. Aside from it being pretty comfortable, the sound is so nice. My ears never experience fatigue and I just get lost in them sometimes. I am just wondering if there is anything you would consider a 'big' step up (I know, subjective! But, I am here for opinions).

I do not know what I am expecting though... all of these higher IEMs have many drivers in it, etc. I've never tried any of them and I am not sure what any of those extras do to the sound. I just want a sound that I can get lost in deeper than my GR07. So, I guess my only requirement is that it must have a similar sound signature (by that I mean fatigue-free and I guess that is subjective as well :rolleyes:). As for genres, I pretty much listen to everything I can get my hands on :o .

As for the budget, if you could recommend a few IEMs that are under $300 (you could go higher if you think it will match my requirement), that would be great! :D

Thank you for your help! :)

Edit: I noticed GR07 is meant to be used as stage monitor. Should I be looking at stage monitor IEMs?
Jul 18, 2013 at 2:58 AM Post #2 of 4
I don't know if they actually meant that musicians were going to use then on stage or if that was just something that they felt was appropriate. I feel they don't isolate well enough for stage use. (I'm not a musician using iems on stage but I've played a few smaller gigs before and I would like my iems to isolate more if I were to use them as such.) I think you will get these recommendations:

Westone 4
Westone UM3
Peos H200
Ultimate Ears 900
(Sennheiser IE80)

Then someone will say: "If you stretch your budget you can get:

Heir 4.i

Someone will say:
Tralucent 1plus2
FitEar TG334
Sennheiser IE800

Then someone will point out that they are way out of your budget. Bringing you back to perhaps GR01 as a fatigue free sidegrade or ASG-1.3.

I'm mostly joking and not trying to be rude.
Jul 18, 2013 at 6:32 AM Post #3 of 4
At this point I think you are straying into the area where you need to hear the headphones, a lot of personal preferance, so buy from a place that you can send back.
I think something like the Westone 4's or 3's or the UE900 or custom's will be more detailed and smoother sounding but some people don't like BA's and prefer dynamic driver's so you might not like them, you could look into the IE80's but they are $400. For $300 idk how much "better" sound you will get.
Jul 18, 2013 at 6:03 PM Post #4 of 4
Oh, how could I forget about Re272 and Re600? There are quite many alternatives for you. You should try as many as you can. You could consider buying something that complements GR07 instead of replacing them.

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