New problem with my dead R-10s

Aug 29, 2008 at 3:34 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 35


100+ Head-Fier
Dec 12, 2001
I've been informed by Alex at PureSound that the CD 3000 drivers are also discontinued. I guess I'm screwed. I wonder if anyone has any good ideas for replacement drivers? Suggestions for use other than as a doorstop? I'll post a WTB at the for sale page.
Aug 29, 2008 at 3:48 PM Post #3 of 35
ACK! I am sad to hear of your troubles.

I have heard rumors that an HP-1000 driver in an R10 shell sounds pretty sweet, although i have not verified them.

It should not be too expensive (probably about $50) to have a machine shop make a pair of adapters.

If care is taken, the HP-1000 drivers could be mounted in the adapter with set-screws (as stock) as an experiment and returned to their original housing if the experiment does not please you.

If you do delcare them a total loss (and i hope you can make SOMETHING out of them) I am interested in the shells

as another thought, you may just want to wait for a set of CD-3000 to come up for sale and pull the drivers from them.

Denon D2000/D5000 Drivers MAY also fit (drop-in) but will require destroying the donor headphone to get.
Aug 29, 2008 at 4:45 PM Post #4 of 35
Obviously your problems never end!

You should be able to sell the housing though, instead of using it as a doorstop.
Aug 29, 2008 at 5:03 PM Post #5 of 35
Denon D5000 or forthcoming D7000 drivers. AFAIK they come from Fostex.

Other interesting options which could be interesting to try DX-1000's, and perhaps some Audio Technica's like W5000. Probably any current production for closed design headphones drivers, which offer good quality are worth trying. I don't think drivers designed for open cans will work so well.

I wouldn't sell the shells and I'd try as many drivers as I could find. Maybe you won't have again the R10's sound, but maybe you find something even more interesting.

Rgrds and good luck
Aug 29, 2008 at 5:15 PM Post #7 of 35

Originally Posted by Cool_Torpedo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Other interesting options which could be interesting to try DX-1000's, and perhaps some Audio Technica's like W5000. Probably any current production for closed design headphones drivers, which offer good quality are worth trying. I don't think drivers designed for open cans will work so well.

The physical size is right, but the R10 is not a closed headphone.

The space between the metal ring and wood is a port, the Denons use the same system.

I would try the W5000 and DX1000 drivers if you can get them out of their headphones without damage.
Aug 29, 2008 at 5:36 PM Post #8 of 35
Thanks for the help so far. I think I'll be on a voyage of discovery, and frankly, I'm sort of looking forward to it. The other prospect is to wait for any other future driver designs to take advantage of the shell. At any rate, it is my intention to circulate the new phones (whenever they eventually get done) amongst the learned headphiles to get a consensus.
Aug 29, 2008 at 5:42 PM Post #9 of 35

Originally Posted by nikongod /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The physical size is right, but the R10 is not a closed headphone.

The space between the metal ring and wood is a port, the Denons use the same system.

I would try the W5000 and DX1000 drivers if you can get them out of their headphones without damage.

Call it as better pleases you, but what is sure is the R10 aren't open phones and I seriously doubt that drivers designed for open phones like Grado, Senn HD6xx or AKG K1000/701 work well on the R10's "port". BTW I' saw my R10 insides when I replaced the pads and the driver is held into the wood enclosure. The ring is just a frame that holds by a suspension system the wood enclosure-driver unit for one side, and the ear pad for the other, so the pads touching your head won't be affected by the driver-wood vibrations.

Aug 29, 2008 at 5:51 PM Post #11 of 35
So sucks, because putting anything else in there would be like dropping a diesel engine in a Ferrari...
Aug 29, 2008 at 5:54 PM Post #12 of 35
Audi won the LeMans for many years straight and they've just switched to diesel, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
Aug 29, 2008 at 5:55 PM Post #13 of 35
I was thinking more along the lines of Kimi's ride in F1, lol...
Aug 29, 2008 at 6:11 PM Post #14 of 35
the holes on the driver-board are not sealed from the outside. The gap between the wood and the metal has about as much area as the backside of a grado.

Originally Posted by Edwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hope you can find some HP1000 drivers to transplant. Otherwise if you do part out your R10, I'd be interested in the Headband assembly, basically everything but the ear cups, as Nikon God expressed interest in them.


I wanted the whole thing and would put my HP-1000 drivers into a built up frame to try it, but it looks like he is going to try to find a good match with what is out now. I like that a bunch

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