1000+ Head-Fier
They just announced that they will have a kickstarter to fund a new reference headphone that will be a planer magnet style. They will start with a beautiful closed back design and eventually branch out with an open reference can as well as lower priced ones. They are trying to hit the sound quality of the LCD4. Very open and extended even for a closed back. True deep bass that is tight and tuneful, coherency and a very musical mid with naturally extended highs that are bright without being too bright or ear bleeding.
I've done business with these guys since their start many years ago and feel that they know headphones as good, if not better than anyone. I spoke with them today about this particular can and I loved what I heard. They have the prototype with 3D printed components and it sounds better than what's out there now and they feel is in the range of the 4's.
for pictures and their initial write up, here is the link: http://headroomaudio.com/blogs/news/announcing-the-new-headroom-audio-cosmic-headphone
As you can see it will be comfortable and other than the planer magnet interior that will be to their own specs, it will be all built in Montana. Even the ear pads will be sewn there, lol.
Please use this thread for all questions and I will get the answers. There will be some pre release models for reviewers and my guy there promised me that he will figure out a way to get some to top reviewers here on Head-Fi as soon as he will be able to in order to get the word out. I know that they will be using Kickstart to fund this thing and I think they are shooting for the beginning of the year. IT could be anywhere from late Dec to early Feb. Lot's of things go into that, so they aren't sure yet. What he did say is that they will be offered on Kickstart at some sick prices and they will probably even have some package deals with their own US built amps involved with the headphone.
Even though they are shooting for reference quality, these cans probably won't be more than 1200. The worst case would be 1500, but I think they will be between 1200-1000. They want affordable and be able to have the masses afford them. I've owned many of their amps in the past and still use a couple of them. They will most probably use 2.5mm connectors on the cups, but if others have suggestions, I'll pass them along also. They will come with their own cable and possibly a balanced one or something from Cardas possibly. Again, they know what they are doing. They also sell after market cables and will be able to get folks choices.
I've done business with these guys since their start many years ago and feel that they know headphones as good, if not better than anyone. I spoke with them today about this particular can and I loved what I heard. They have the prototype with 3D printed components and it sounds better than what's out there now and they feel is in the range of the 4's.
for pictures and their initial write up, here is the link: http://headroomaudio.com/blogs/news/announcing-the-new-headroom-audio-cosmic-headphone
As you can see it will be comfortable and other than the planer magnet interior that will be to their own specs, it will be all built in Montana. Even the ear pads will be sewn there, lol.
Please use this thread for all questions and I will get the answers. There will be some pre release models for reviewers and my guy there promised me that he will figure out a way to get some to top reviewers here on Head-Fi as soon as he will be able to in order to get the word out. I know that they will be using Kickstart to fund this thing and I think they are shooting for the beginning of the year. IT could be anywhere from late Dec to early Feb. Lot's of things go into that, so they aren't sure yet. What he did say is that they will be offered on Kickstart at some sick prices and they will probably even have some package deals with their own US built amps involved with the headphone.
Even though they are shooting for reference quality, these cans probably won't be more than 1200. The worst case would be 1500, but I think they will be between 1200-1000. They want affordable and be able to have the masses afford them. I've owned many of their amps in the past and still use a couple of them. They will most probably use 2.5mm connectors on the cups, but if others have suggestions, I'll pass them along also. They will come with their own cable and possibly a balanced one or something from Cardas possibly. Again, they know what they are doing. They also sell after market cables and will be able to get folks choices.