new head-fi greeting time yet?
Jan 5, 2003 at 4:10 AM Post #32 of 42

Originally posted by kelly
Thank you for joining Head-Fi. As soon as your equipment arrives, come back here for a list of upgrades.

No, we don't want to know what you are listening to now . . . .
Jan 5, 2003 at 7:19 AM Post #33 of 42

Originally posted by kelly
They tried to change the Texas slogan to "the friendship state." We wanted them to change the signs to, "Weclome to Texas, now go home."

An approriate greeting here would be in the form of an email.

Welcome to Head-Fi.
We know you came here to be given advice on the best headphone for $50. That's too bad. The Sennheiser HD600 can be ordered here. JMT can be conacted by email here. Order your Cardas or Equinox cable here. Go here to buy a better CD player and here to buy an interconnect. Thank you for joining Head-Fi. As soon as your equipment arrives, come back here for a list of upgrades.

ha! that's a good one! A pre-requsite of equipment prior to posting
Jan 5, 2003 at 7:55 AM Post #35 of 42
Welcome to head-fi, what if god was one of us... o,O
Jan 5, 2003 at 8:54 PM Post #36 of 42

Originally posted by MooGoesTheCow
welmoocome moo moo-fi. smoorry amoot moor moolet.




lol! i'm sure this one would help filter out the dilatants.
Jan 6, 2003 at 1:57 AM Post #37 of 42
quote: One of us. One of us.

quote: Where did this come from?

quote: appropriately enough from the movie "freaks",

quote: The Simpsons did it as well I think.

and strangely enough, the Simpsons did it again...for the second time... in tonight's new episode.
Jan 6, 2003 at 11:49 AM Post #39 of 42
Or we could stick to good ol` "Welcome to Head-fi, sorry about your wallet", but translated into Serbian:

Dobro dosli na Head-fi, zao nam je zbog vaseg novcanika.

Jan 9, 2003 at 6:16 AM Post #41 of 42
Welcome to head-fi, where audiophiles check in and don't check out.

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