Need Suggestions
Jul 16, 2007 at 1:08 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Mar 2, 2006
The only audio store in my area does not regularly stock headphone amps and only has one model (x-cans) that the recommend/can order. This being such, I'm really hoping I can get some solid recommendations from you guys since I am not well versed with current headphone amp models and I most likely won't be able to listen to anything before I buy.

I have a pair of Sennheiser 580s, several good source components and some great analysis plus rca interconnects. I am indifferent to whether the amp is a plug in or battery model but do not want a mobile model that has a mini jack for the input. I have never heard tube gear before, but I am open to the idea of getting a tube amp. I listen to a wide range of music from Shostakovich to Young Jeezy to Miles Davis to Paul Oakenfold to Elton John.

So far two models have caught my eye as good possible candidates:

Creek OHB-11: Looks great and should fall in my price range on the used market.

Little Dot Tube ++: Also looks great, though I haven't heard as much about it.

Any other suggestions? What are the top performers in this price range?
Jul 16, 2007 at 11:43 PM Post #3 of 6
I've never heard the Creek amp but I own a Little Dot 2++. It practically transformed my HD595s, but I'm not sure how it will mate with the HD580. It added a nice kick to the bass and made the mids hit levels I've never thought possible, but these are two problems that the HD580 don't have. The LD2++ might make them a little too dark sounding, but don't quote me on that though.

There are a few huge threads for the LD2++, such as this one.

Somebody in this thread mentions the LD goes well with his HD650, so it might go well with the HD580.

The only complaint I have about the Little Dot is heat. The sucker does get pretty warm, and needs to be turned off every 4-5 hours to cool a little bit. Great amp for the price.
Jul 18, 2007 at 11:39 PM Post #5 of 6
The Musical Fidelity headphone amps are very nice and go well with the Sennheiser line. Of the three models I am familiar with (X-Can, X-Can V2, and X-Can V3) the V2 is my favorite because it is the most fun to listen to. Honestly the V3 is the better amp, more detail, clarity, extension, etc.

As far as the mods those get tricky, try to find out what mods were done and by whom. In the state an used X-Can V2 goes from $140 to $190. An use V3 goes for around $325. When modded "a la PinkFloyd" the sound is totally transformed and it significantly improves. I have two and I love their sound.

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