Need help to find Fiio E18 replacment amp/dac
Nov 24, 2018 at 1:22 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 2


New Head-Fier
Nov 23, 2018
Looking for a successor to the Fiio E18. I was initially gonna spring for desktop set, then I lost my E18 on the tram the other day so first thing first. I need a replacement unit and I would like to try something new this time. The E18 have been used with android phones, android tablet, laptops and window desktop. Worked ok but feel I could try to see if I can find something portable that also got better sound quality then the E18. Don't get me wrong, E18 was fine, but I've updated a beyerdynamic dt 770 pro @80 ohm with a dt 1770 pro @250 ohm. Still worked with the E18 but honestly I was expecting a bigger difference between 770 pro and the 1770 pro. And before I sold off the 770 pro I had a listen to both at a friends house with more expensive hardware in front and it seemed that his amp and dac made it much easier to distinguish the differences between the two. It also brought the low end in the 1770 pro to another level. It was so engaging to listen so I feel I should try to recreate that experience - but with a portable amp/dac solution as I need great sound outside the home as well.

I've been sort of "out of the market" for new hardware for a long time now, so I am not sure what hi quality alternatives are out there these days. My budget is 500-1000 ish $. I am not dead set on that but in the ballpark.

I got to say I liked most things about the E18. The ability to charge phone, or charge from the phone. The ability to keep the E18 ie in shirt pocket with phone in jeans pocket and still be able to skip songs, pause etc. Spdif and analog. All nice stuff. The bass boost I never really got adjusted to, but as a feature I guess it is ok, maybe others do it better?

What's out there today? I wouldn't mind trying something a little more recent then the E18, as I think they where closing in on 4 or 5 years now. Surely there must have been better things made the past few years?
Nov 26, 2018 at 1:02 AM Post #2 of 2
I think the most adequate upgrade for E18 would be Q5. The price could be slightly higher but in term of performance I feel that it worth that price :)

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