Need help deciding (DT770, D2000, PRO 550, HFI 780)
Jan 2, 2010 at 10:03 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 17


100+ Head-Fier
Jan 2, 2010

I think I have narrowed my buying choices down to these 4 headphones.
-Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro (80ohm w/o limiter)
-Denon AH-D2000
-Ultrasone PRO 550
-Ultrasone HFI 780
(new suggestions are welcome - keep in mind I want CLOSED headphones and my budget is $250)

I have tried the D2000 and the PRO 550, but I did not have enough time with them...

I want a headphone with a wide soundstage, enough bass to satisfy a basshead, and an overall detailed sound signature (not too detailed on the highs, I can't stand harsh/piercing treble!) I listen to rock/metal/alternative music. So, which headphone would be best for me?

All help will be greatly appreciated.
Jan 3, 2010 at 5:49 AM Post #5 of 17
I listen primarily to classic rock, and I'm a basshead; my headphones must have bass.

I haven't used the DT770, D2000, PRO550, or HFI780.

FWIR, I'd go with the D2000.

My current system:

0404 PCI > Presonus HP4 > 300 Ohm Resistor > Philips HP910 (modded) >
Jan 3, 2010 at 5:55 AM Post #6 of 17
I'd definitely recommend D2000s out of those picks. I think will give you too much in the highs and may be to much of an "in your face" headphone. The Beyers have a distinct sound, just like any of the others. You will need an amp most definitely with the DT770 and I think the mids will be to recessed for your liking. Also, I find the bass to be a bit lingering, not very tight or punchy.

I've tried all of those headphones except the Pro 550s. I definitely would give the D2000 a shot.
Jan 3, 2010 at 7:22 AM Post #8 of 17
Well, the one word that I use for the Ultrasones in regard to their bass is 'extension'. Basically, from 'A/B'ing the two, I can tell that the 780s extend further into bass, when a song asks for it. The bass from the D2000 tend to linger longer if asked for a deeper bass. For your rock music, however, the bass that the D2000 will tend to be a more natural bass, and not as artificial as the 780s may sound. The 780s would be better for Electronica music, as the bass there is more of an artificial sound to begin with, versus a bass guitar sound.

As for soundstage, it going to depend on what type of listening experience you are looking for. The soundstage from the D2000 is much more laid back, airy, and surrounding. It feels as if you reach for some of the sounds, as they are dancing around in the space created by the headphones.

Again, the 780s are going to be more in your face. The bass is closer to you in the 780s than the D2000. I find most of the mids tend to get pushed off to the side; it feels as if the highs and lows are upfront, and the mids create the effect of the soundstage. Its still a soundstage, but it feels rather artificial. The bass definitely is immersive, and the extension of the bass tends to have a fun surrounding effect.

Personally, I think you would enjoy the D2000 much more than the 780. It will depend on the effect you are looking for when listening; being laid back vs forward. The D2000 has bass quantity when asked for it, but it won't feel as 3D or as extending as the 780s, which is probably what you are looking for anyways.

I'll definitely stick behind the D2000 as my recommendation. And that iBasso amp will come in handy with the D2000. I don't see much improvement with an amp from the 780s
Jan 3, 2010 at 9:37 AM Post #10 of 17
I'd cut the DT770 off the list completely. I am just going FWIR. The D2000 will be better for slower rock. The HFI-780 would be MY next pick, as they are apparently quick and have a lot of bass impact, something that I would like for what I listen to (metal).
Jan 3, 2010 at 7:20 PM Post #12 of 17
Thanks everybody, I think I will scratch out the DT770 and the PRO 550 then.

I am still not sure about the D2000, I will be paying a considerable amount more for them over the HFI 780.
Jan 3, 2010 at 7:52 PM Post #14 of 17
If you want aggressive sound, go with the Ultrasones. If you want more laid back, go with the D2000. If you don't like the sound, you will be out a bit, but at least you become wiser to what kind of sound you like. I say go with the Ultrasones first if they are much cheaper.

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