Need Closed back for work, travel
Nov 14, 2016 at 6:15 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 3


New Head-Fier
Nov 10, 2016
Budget - $< 400, including Amp/Dac if needed

Source - Onboard audio of work PC, and Galaxy S7

Isolation - Would be useful, yes

Public use - Yes, and no sound can leak into ambient

Tonal Balance - Warm or even slightly "U" shape

Past headset - My current set is AD700. They are used for gaming and are wonderful, but I'm looking for something better for music. These are a bit lacking in the low frequencies.

Music Type - hard rock, metal. Some examples:

I'd like a bit more on the lower end, to really here those double bass hits, and just overall great clarity. I don't mind using an amp/dac, but I would prefer something that sounds half way decent driven just from my phone so I can do cardio at the gym with them. Otherwise, for the office an amp is perfectly fine. My coworker has an e10k, but something like the non USB chargerable version for mobile use might work, too?

FWIW I've listened to the V moda M100's and wasn't too impressed driven off my phone. I also listened to Sony MDR1A's and was pretty impressed by how clear the music was off just my phone, while still hitting pretty hard.

A few other cans I'm looking into are M50x, HD280, Oppo PM-3, DT770, Ultrasone 900 Pro, SRH840 and the MDR1A from above.
Nov 14, 2016 at 11:51 AM Post #2 of 3
Based on your requirements, it sounds like you would like the Fostex TH-X00. They are closed back and would sound good with the type of music you listen to. Impedance is only 25 ohms so even your phone could power them. I see a lot of them popping up for sale second hand.
Nov 14, 2016 at 12:18 PM Post #3 of 3
Sounds like these might leak sound out a bit. Would be tough to tell unless I got a chance to test them out, which seems unlikely due to the massdrop buy only. I work in a quiet office, so I can't have even the smallest amount of sound escaping.

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