The PPA is another beast alltogether. Yes, it's a big step up from the META- in all respects.
The OPA627s would make a fairly big change in the character of your amp.
If the money seems large, try the AD744 before. It's similar in price to the OPA2132, and I like it better, at least in the META. Try it, and if it produces the effect (or lack thereof) you are after, then search for 'AD744' for the posts regarding driving your buffers from the 744's compensation pin. It's an easy mod, and I have loved the results. No need to bias to class A with this. I am still on the fence between my long-standing favorite OPA637 and the AD744. Check it out before you embark on a PPA, at the very least. It might even meet your needs as well as the 627, at a significantly smaller outlay.
Edited for horrid typing.