My Meier MOVE 1st USB DAC AND amp.
Jul 23, 2007 at 8:25 PM Post #62 of 68

Originally Posted by sophrosune /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll second that. Received my Move today and already have noticed a significant improvement in sound quality using it with a 12V DC power source versus USB power with my HD650s (using USB as the source in both cases). Have to say its a real step up from my old M-Audio Transit/Go-Vibe V3 combination, although I've yet to compare Transit+Move vs. standalone Move to see if the Transit's dedicated DAC makes a difference.

Ooh i'm interested in this comparison as well
Jul 24, 2007 at 4:32 AM Post #63 of 68

Originally Posted by sum1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ooh i'm interested in this comparison as well

I've been trying the M-Audio Transit+Move (w/ Cardas mini-to-mini) against the Move using a 12V power supply in both cases for a little while today. My source has been 320kps CDR encoded MP3s through Foobar 2000. I've used DirectSound for the Move and the Transit ASIO drivers for the Transit with them set to 24-bit.

Firstly, using the Transit resulted in a louder output from the Move which made comparison a little more difficult. The Transit *might* provide a little more detail than the Move's DAC. Vocals appear more forward with the Transit, but overall the sound is a little more harsh. The Move's default sound via its own DAC I'd describe as punchy and detailed but somehow very smooth and listenable (I'd like to see a graph of its frequency response). Using the Transit you seem to gain "something", but I'm not sure the sound is something I'd enjoy for extended periods. It's like when I tried DT880s for the first time, having used HD580s for a couple of years - they just sounded too bright for my liking but I did have to respect the amount of detail they could reproduce.

Finally, I can highly recommend the 12V DC power option. My 580s and 650s really seem to respond to the extra volts. The jump from USB power to 12V made much more difference than using the Transit. I'll be keeping the Transit for the moment but I'm not convinced about it.
Jul 24, 2007 at 4:44 AM Post #64 of 68

Originally Posted by sophrosune /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've been trying the M-Audio Transit+Move (w/ Cardas mini-to-mini) against the Move using a 12V power supply in both cases for a little while today. My source has been 320kps CDR encoded MP3s through Foobar 2000. I've used DirectSound for the Move and the Transit ASIO drivers for the Transit with them set to 24-bit.

Firstly, using the Transit resulted in a louder output from the Move which made comparison a little more difficult. The Transit *might* provide a little more detail than the Move's DAC. Vocals appear more forward with the Transit, but overall the sound is a little more harsh. The Move's default sound via its own DAC I'd describe as punchy and detailed but somehow very smooth and listenable (I'd like to see a graph of its frequency response). Using the Transit you seem to gain "something", but I'm not sure the sound is something I'd enjoy for extended periods. It's like when I tried DT880s for the first time, having used HD580s for a couple of years - they just sounded too bright for my liking but I did have to respect the amount of detail they could reproduce.

Finally, can I recommend the 12V DC power option. My 580s and 650s really seem to respond to the extra volts. The jump from USB power to 12V made much more difference than using the Transit. I'll be keeping the Transit for the moment but I'm not convinced about it.

Thanks for the info sophrosune.
Jul 24, 2007 at 5:52 AM Post #67 of 68

Originally Posted by MGLDyson /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Since it doesn't look like a 12V power supply is provided with the unit, what do you guys recommend to power it? Just a generic brick supplying 12V of power? Or is there a more application specific PSU?

Check out the (massive) "Meier Corda Move details released" thread for power supplies of choice. N.B. Don't go over 12V and use a regulated supply. I bought one from the local electronics store and it works fine.

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