My K-240 Studio are killing me, has this happened to anyone?
Feb 9, 2010 at 5:47 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


New Head-Fier
Sep 1, 2009
I got my first pair of real headphone a few weeks ago and was really excited, until I noticed the crushing force around my ears almost immediately after I put them on. I've been looking around this forum and others, but can't seem to find anyone who experienced something like this with this headphones, so my question is, can I expect them to stretch a bit or to became accustomed to them or do I have a gigantic head and need to pick up another pair of cans?

Also to note, I live in argentina where this headphones cost ~u$s350 (I got them from a friend who went on a trip to the US) but I'm going to New York in 2 weeks, so it's not really wise to let the opportunity to get another pair at a nice price pass if I won't be able to use these for more than 5 minutes.
I noticed these are not a very popular set of cans here, but still, maybe someone can help me.


EDIT: Another thing worthy of note, is that although there's definitely sound leakage I don't find anything open about them, maybe something happened to them when my friend brought them home?

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