My First "Real" Headphones initial reaction
Dec 12, 2012 at 9:05 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


Dec 1, 2012
So my first real headphones got delivered yesterday - AKG K550's and I am unsure if I made the right decision. I have upgraded from a pair of Senn HD205's. I am not an audiophile but I was expecting to hear a huge difference between the two and i simply dont. Is this normal to react this way to new headphones or should I have heard a big difference between these two????
I know there is a burn in process but I am thinking they wont sound a whole lot better than fresh out of the box or am I wrong again????
Also the clamping force on these is very weak, I have tried bending them to get a better clamp on my crust but its still not as tight as id like. Any suggestions on what I could try??
I have read great things about these headphones and I really want them to blow my mind but must say my initial reaction isnt great.
Another thing they are not very loud off my ipod so I may need an amp, maybe a Fiio E11 or E17????? 
As I hadnt a lot of time with these yet due to work, the only CD quality music I have listened to so far is Enigma, Enya, Sade and Fleetwood Mac, the other listening was done on youtube and my itunes library which Im told is MP3 playback
Any comments welcome........
Dec 12, 2012 at 9:56 AM Post #2 of 7
Yup definitely get those amped. A lot of people will tell you that the k550 is easy to drive, which may be true in comparison to the K701, but an iPod is still quite insufficient. I thought my K550's were a little anemic at first. I rooted my S3 and installed a bunch of different audio processing software to force some extra bass out of the k550 but nothing works like actually amping them. Run some pink noise through them over night and while you're at work and see if they sound more lively once you amp them.
Dec 12, 2012 at 9:58 AM Post #3 of 7
Oh, and when it comes down to the loose fit of these, that's how they're meant to fit. K550's aren't the type of closed cans you want to work or go walking around it.
Dec 12, 2012 at 10:06 AM Post #4 of 7
I don't think they really sound that good, not for their price anyways.  I'd skip amping or burn-in alltogether and get another headphone if you don't like the way they sound, or are unsatisfied with them.
Dec 12, 2012 at 10:12 AM Post #5 of 7
I don't think they really sound that good, not for their price anyways.  I'd skip amping or burn-in alltogether and get another headphone if you don't like the way they sound, or are unsatisfied with them.

+1 for Raven. I would take an opportunity to listen to them amped if there is any way that you could do it before the return period is over. You can return them right? 
Dec 12, 2012 at 10:20 AM Post #6 of 7
I can't really return them because ive been bending the headland to get a tight fit. I have also read many reviews praising these headphones so Im sure they are good enough for what i want them for i was just expecting a bit more to be honest.

I think i might get an amp and see if this helps. What would be better an E11 or E17.?
Dec 12, 2012 at 10:53 AM Post #7 of 7
The e17 is more versatile and the better buy IMO. You get hardware EQ, 3 levels of gain and a lotta flexibility. The e11 is good and many like it. For me, it's e17 all the way. Sometimes you can catch a LNIB one here for right at $100 shipped. 

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